What Sort Of "Unsavory Debris" Have You Seen Around The Fens?

There's some interesting wording in this morning's Boston Globe article about the increased police presence in the Fens lately (and how some allege that it targets gay men). The third paragraph begins: "For the last few weeks, police in cars and motorcycles have patrolled
the Fens off Boylston Street for about 16 hours a day, a move that has
thrilled many of the gardeners, who want to tend their radishes,
tomatoes, and dahlias without encountering debris from some of the more
unsavory uses of the park."
This was clever maneuvering by reporter Maria Cramer, who had the impossible task of fairly representing gardeners, patrol officers, and dudes who freak nasty in the bushes. But while I didn't think she was suggesting that plants were getting drenched in milky splashes of man-onnaise, I was left to use my imagination until reading later on that said "unsavory debris" included condoms and "soiled clothes." As someone who walks through the Fens twice a day, I thought of quite a few potential rubbish hazards (i.e. - Abandoned bandwagon. Last registered 2003). Just wondering if anyone else had ideas...