Cure for cancer found!!

Scientists in Ireland have found eating Indian food can help prevent esophageal cancer, pretty much anyway. Cancer cells studied in a laboratory started to die within 24 hours of exposure to curcumin, a chemical in the tumeric spice--widely used in curry dishes to give it that bright yellow color, revealed the Cork Cancer Research Center in Ireland. The study on esophageal cancer was published in the British Journal of Cancer on Wednesday.
“The cells also began to digest themselves. The results additionally showed that curcumin kills cells by triggering lethal cell death signals,” Cork’s Web site states. Suicide to cancer cells!
Cancers of the esophagus kill more than 500,000 people across the world each year, reports Reuters. In the US, esophageal cancer will kill 14,530 people in 2009, reads the National Cancer Institute site. These numbers aren’t staggering when you compare them to the 69,078 people every year who die of lung cancer, or the 41,116 deaths of breast cancer victims, but this does create a glimmer of hope for treatments of all cancers. Think about if a natural herb found in many food choices (in this case South Asian), can cure a very deadly cancer -- 88.22 percent of all Americans who get diagnosed with esophageal cancer will die from the disease -- what that could mean for other, less aggressive cancers, like prostate cancer.
Plus the idea of a non-chemical formed cure is just what I love to hear, an all-natural remedy to one of life's perplexing and dehabilitating diseases. Here's hoping to many more yummy cures and now go get your Indian buffet on!