Meet the Mayor: J.P. Licks (Brigham Circle)
Welcome to "Meet the Mayor," a segment in which we interview local Foursquare Mayors in
their natural habitats.

J.P. Licks (Brigham Circle)
Craig Collins
I've heard mixed
reviews of the cucumber ice cream.
I have not tried that yet. I've heard it's not the greatest,
not the worst. I think their biggest flop was creamed-corn ice cream from around
Thanksgiving. No one liked it, and it lasted for a week. Their red-velvet ice
cream was really good, though.
What's your favorite
normal flavor, and your favorite weird flavor here?
Normal flavor ... probably pistachio. My favorite weird flavor
has got to be the strawberry rhubarb, which they've got going right now.
Pistachio is a classic. I've been eating it since I was 10 years old.
10-year-olds always
refuse to eat green things.
I wasn't that 10-year-old. My parents and grandparents had
gardens for as long as I remember. I was that kid who picked a cucumber and ate
Hmm. Given your
expertise, what other vegetable ice cream flavors should J.P. Licks try out?
I'd be interested to see zucchini or some sort of squash. For
example, butternut squash, acorn squash, or summer squash. Squashes that go well
with casseroles would probably go very well with ice cream.
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