Disorder of the Phoenix: Watch us dismantle our newsroom over Thanksgiving weekend on Tumblr

This weekend, after sleeping off the turkey, we here at the Boston Phoenix will be putting in a few extra shifts to begin the laborious process of clearing out the newsroom, which has been gathering dust, backissues, scribbled in-jokes, stuffed chipmunks, and Dukes of Hazard posters for a couple of decades. Come December, we'll be moving to a new space . . . OK, so it's about thirty feet away and on the same floor. Still: it's been 10 years since Peter Kadzis cleaned out his office -- fans of Hoarders take note -- and David S. Bernstein's deep-dive document piles have been slowly absorbing hapless cubicles (and perhaps interns?) one at a time. We couldn't very well just let a thousand months of thumbtacked Zippy the Pinhead get boxed up without so much as a whimper -- no, not this Duchampian ode to What Alt-Weekly Newsrooms Used To Be Like. So we started a Tumblr and will be posting cameraphone photos until they kick us down the hall a few weeks hence.
We're making a big push this weekend, so keep an eye peeled -- if you want to know what home-computer ads looked like in the '70s, or how the biggest Phoenix ever stacks up against an unabridged dictionary, come play along.
We're also holding an informal contest: whoever can hazard the closest guess to how many books we pull out of Kadzis's office will win . . . the books. Or some of them. Or a handsome Local Internet Service Award we won back in 2000. We'll think of something. Post your guesses in the comments.
DISORDER OF THE PHOENIX: the Boston Phoenix's newsroom-move blog