Meet the Mayor: Davis Square VFW Dilboy Hall
Welcome to "Meet the Mayor," a segment in which we interview local Foursquare Mayors in
their natural habitats.
Davis Square VFW Dilboy Hall
Shannon Sweetser There's talk of knocking down this VFW hall to build condos. Why don't they ever want to build condos over something lame? Like a crack house, for example.
They never seem to have any problem destroying something that means something to the community. Some of the traditional Somervillians go to the Hall. Plus, it reaches out to young professionals and subcultures. They have punk shows, vintage flea markets, craft fairs, and Comicazi Con. It's harder for a community to come together at a condo building.
You became mayor at the Comicazi Con and Bad-Ass Bazaar. Does Santa count as a superhero?
He could. Then again, he could go the other way, because he's always crawling into children's houses through the chimney. He could be a villain, too.
What are your holiday plans?
I'm staying in Somerville for the first time. I have a friend in town who throws a "Jews, Curmudgeons, and Grinches Fest" on Christmas Eve every year. I think we might bring my mother-in-law to that.
Mothers-in-law are always jerks on TV.
She's actually the coolest, calmest, most nonjudgmental mother-in-law. Don't believe everything you see on TV.
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