Unsexiest Men '11: Big Screen Bums

Being a famous-ass movie star or a bigwig producer does not preclude one from being a douchebag. Often, it only raises the levels of douchebaggery exponentially. This year's crop of movie industry cretins included grown men who pissed all over airplanes, creeps who married children, and more than a few dudes whose mugs we're just plain sick of (and directors whose style is really starting to wear on us. Tyler [Perry] the Creator...we're looking at you here, sir.) For your consideration, a round-up of a few of the movie "stars" and directors who really un-sexed it up this year.
The only thing less sexy than this lecherous cradle plunderer is his wife. Wish we coulda put her on the list, but alas it's men only.
(also, check out our ABC's of Courtney Stodden Tweets)
Does spraying urine all over a plane count as some sort of terrorism by bodily fluid? We're betting more than a few passengers are going to need PTS therapy after glimpsing this man's dingle
We know, we know. Some people think this man is funny. We just can't seem to get past the fact that we're pretty sure we can taste how he smells just by looking at him.
It turns out dropping some lbs can actually make you less sexy. We knew there was a reason we hadn't been to the gym since the Stairmaster was cutting edge. Hill's weight must have taken his comedic edge with it when it went
Sorry, every female aged 11-17 (and more than a few horny middle aged women and gay men) but this man is. not. sexy. Dude's so bland he's like some sort of beefed up automaton designed to bore us to death with his abs
"Rehearsal is for fags." Enough said.
Ok, so while "unsexy" doesn't really describe how creepy he is to look at, we can't help but thank him for the hours of glee we've gotten from watching YouTube clips of his very, deeply, serious dramatic film. You will too:
Why, why, why do people pay money to watch these movies? (Did we mention he presented them? All of them. Yeah, every last one. Tyler Perry.)
BOOM. CRASH. [flash to hot chick] SCREECH. KABLAMMO. You've now seen every one of his ridiculously successful movies. You're welcome.
To check out [and VOTE on] the rest of our picks for Unsexiest show biz guys go to the 100unsexiest.com/unsexy/movies and for the full list of Unsexiest Men of 2011 go to 100unsexiest.com