Meet the Mayor: All Star Sandwich Bar
Welcome to "Meet the Mayor," a segment in which we interview local Foursquare Mayors in
their natural habitats.

All Star Sandwich Bar
Bradford Lowe
What's the strangest sandwich you've ever eaten?
think we were really drunk at home, and it was one of those things
where you just go in the fridge; and we went, "Well, we got ketchup,
some olives, some bread, and some tuna. Let's do it!" That might be why I
don't like tuna melts.
What would you put in a sandwich designed to represent Inman Square?
see. . . . Limit the meat. Probably a lot of vegetables, ‘cause it's
Cambridge and people tend to be vegetarians. Probably some sarcasm. Put a
pair of ironic glasses on it, and that would be an Inman Square
sandwich, right there.
If you were a sandwich, what kind of sandwich would you be?
would be a fattening sandwich. One of those sandwiches where you go in
and say, "Fuck my diet, man. I'm going to eat fat today."
Why's that?
Because while you might want to eat a healthy sandwich, you don't really
want to eat it. You eat it because you're like, "Well, I'm getting a
little fat. I should eat something healthy." But when you're about to
eat a fattening sandwich, you're pretty damn excited. You might regret
it in the future, but in that moment, it's the best thing in the world.
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