Get Seen » At the New England Talent & Production 2013 Season Kickoff Party

On the eve of the Oscars,
a crowd of actors, models, casting directors, talent scouts, and other local
film and stage peeps gathered in the swanky bar at Newton's Hotel Indigo for a
networking party presented by NE Actor and Model Club Inc. At a soiree packed
to the gills with people who make their living standing out, we feared it might
be hard to pick just one star of the show. But when we spotted a particularly
fetching bowler hat across the room, we knew we'd found our leading man.
Alan White, actor
You might not know him yet - "I'm sort of like that character
actor in Hollywood who you see in everything but
don't know their name," he said - but Alan is a regular on Boston stages. He's also a regular on the
thrifting circuit, and he counts Boomerangs, the Garment District, and the
Salvation Army as favorite spots.
He picked up the black leather vest, however, at a
Dress Barn, back when they used to sell men's clothes. He scored the bowler at
JP haberdasher Salmagundi and said that a good hat is the one item he couldn't
live without. "I started losing my hair right around 23 or 24, but I was
blessed with a good-shaped head!"
Describing his style as "retro," he said "a very wise
bluesman once told me that the definition of retro is that you dress detective
fiction and think science fiction. So I wear clothes that hark back to around
the turn of last century."
Which sounds a little steampunk. That's how he'd
dress if he ever got invited to the Oscars. "Like, full-on sci-fi-con goggles,
steam pipes, and everything. Just to see what the press would write about me."