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Deirdre Fulton
By HB1984 on 12-31-2009 in On The Download
Dear Rush Limbaugh: Please Drop Dead. Love, Twitter - Not one of those tweets wasn't an echo of Rush's own words. Remember, drug addicts need to be locked...By tscribe on 12-31-2009 in Phlog
Dear Rush Limbaugh: Please Drop Dead. Love, Twitter - Very typical of the left to feel justified in wishing death upon those who challenge their blissful ignorance...By oak park conservative on 12-31-2009 in Phlog
Dear Rush Limbaugh: Please Drop Dead. Love, Twitter - How can people have so much hatred? I'm not a Limbaugh fan but instead of wishing him dead, I just don...By shlbycindy on 12-31-2009 in Phlog
Dear Rush Limbaugh: Please Drop Dead. Love, Twitter - Do you commenters really not get Rush's breathtaking hypocrisy? I'm over mean people for the year (ok...By tscribe on 12-31-2009 in Phlog