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Best of Boston 2009

Scott Weiland | “Happy” in Galoshes

Softdrive/New West (2008)
By MIKAEL WOOD  |  November 24, 2008
1.0 1.0 Stars


Notwithstanding a fairly successful reunion tour with Stone Temple Pilots, the past 12 months have been rough ones for Scott Weiland — dude lost his marriage, his brother, and his spot in Velvet Revolver in less time than it took Axl Rose to approve the final mix of Chinese Democracy. So you can understand why he's thinking about rain on his second solo album. And you can understand why it'd be nice to report that "Happy" in Galoshes is a triumph of art over adversity (or at least an entertaining detour in the mold of 12 Bar Blues, his appealingly incoherent solo debut).

But it is not — indeed, it might be one of the year's worst albums, an underwritten, overarranged mess of factory-floor guitar fuzz, go-nowhere vocal melodies, limp electronic beats, and lyrical clunkers ("You seem sad/But you're telling lies").

Three highlights are worth a bit of your bandwidth: glam-metal opener "Missing Cleveland," the heavy-grooved cabaret-rock jam "Beautiful Day," and a knowing cover of David Bowie's "Fame" featuring Paul Oakenfold on something-or-other. The rest, I regret to inform you, is useless.

SCOTT WEILAND | WBCN Xmas Rave | Showcase Live, 23 Patriot Place, Foxborough | December 3 at 8 pm | $29 | 866.488.7849 or

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  Topics: CD Reviews , Axl Rose, David Bowie, Electronic Music,  More more >
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Re: Scott Weiland | “Happy” in Galoshes
I cannot believe you gave happy in galoshes such a terrible review, then again it is your opinion. You probably are some hip loving coc?sucker, or maybe you are listening to fallout boy or dangling from corporate rocks balls with the likes of metallica. Oh shit did I say metallica without their permission?? Sorry lars...aka bitch boy. I can agree the album has a genre that is a bit all over, but it makes the album that much more interesting and shows the creativity that Weiland has always possesed. Scott is probably one of the best and hardest working frontmen of modern day rock. He certainly does not have a problem delevering selling out show after show whether it is STP or his solo projects.
By stpfan on 02/06/2009 at 2:34:10

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