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Steve Albini

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Major laser

Naked Raygun assess their legacy
Of Naked Raygun's many conquests, perhaps their greatest was impressing Steve Albini. In a 1992 Maximumrocknroll interview, Albini — the sharp-tongued musician/producer who, among other things, once dismissed Nirvana as "R.E.M. with a fuzzbox" and the Pixies as "blandly entertaining college rock" — offered a rare public endorsement.
By REYAN ALI  |  August 31, 2009

Major laser

Naked Raygun assess their legacy
Of Naked Raygun's many conquests, perhaps their greatest was impressing Steve Albini. In a 1992 Maximumrocknroll interview, Albini — the sharp-tongued musician/producer who, among other things, once dismissed Nirvana as "R.E.M. with a fuzzbox" and the Pixies as "blandly entertaining college rock" — offered a rare public endorsement.
By REYAN ALI  |  August 31, 2009

Major laser

Naked Raygun assess their legacy
Of Naked Raygun's many conquests, perhaps their greatest was impressing Steve Albini. In a 1992 Maximumrocknroll interview, Albini — the sharp-tongued musician/producer who, among other things, once dismissed Nirvana as "R.E.M. with a fuzzbox" and the Pixies as "blandly entertaining college rock" — offered a rare public endorsement.
By REYAN ALI  |  August 31, 2009

Magnolia Electric Co. | Josephine

Secretly Canadian (2009)
Even though it arose in part from tragedy, Josephine , the latest from Jason Molina and his band Magnolia Electric Co., may be one of Molina's lightest releases.
By RYAN STEWART  |  July 22, 2009

Scrunk happens

We're not fans, but the kids seem to like it
According to AbsolutePunk's Jason Tate, brokeNCYDE "epitomize everything that music (and human beings) should not be."
By LEOR GALIL  |  July 14, 2009

Jarvis Cocker | Further Complications

Rough Trade (2009)
For his second solo album, the former Pulp frontman lays waste to his typically polished sound with the help of de-prettier Steve Albini.
By ZETH LUNDY  |  May 12, 2009

Nine-step program

The best pedals ever to happen to rock music
The history of rock, as a technical story, is a mix of skilled craftsmen and total doofuses sticking their fingers in wall sockets over and over.
By DANIEL BROCKMAN  |  September 08, 2008

The shores of cool

Interview: Liz Phair paddles back to Guyville
I’d love to get all swept up in the hullabaloo surrounding Liz Phair’s 1993, now seminal, now reissued  Exile in Guyville , I really would.
By MICHAEL BRODEUR  |  August 26, 2008

The Wedding Present

El Rey | Manifesto
Time has sweetened David Gedge’s barrel-throated yawp.
By DANIEL DeNORCH  |  May 20, 2008

A Peapod grows in Portland

A young label sports sonic wisdom
Harrity’s albums sound like the work of an invisible hand, and it’s apparent that he likes it that way.
By CHRISTOPHER GRAY  |  May 07, 2008

Oddballs and noisemakers

Looking back 20 years to the Pixies' Surfer Rosa and the beginning of the Best Music Poll
Twenty years ago, the American Top 40 was nothing like Boston’s live music scene.
By TED DROZDOWSKI  |  May 07, 2008

Déjà vu

Spring Arts Preview: R.E.M., B-52’s, Counting Crows, Breeders: what year is it again?
Prepare yourselves: R.E.M. have decided to become a rock band again.
By MATT ASHARE  |  March 10, 2008

Repackaged treasures

The ongoing survival of the box set
Repackaging music in box-set format and in newer, more-deluxe versions is a marketing ploy that’s been around at least since the dawn of the CD age.
By MATT ASHARE  |  December 11, 2007

Excellent Italian interview

Steve Albini speaks
Steve Albini is a pretty nerdy guy.
By DANIEL BROCKMAN  |  October 23, 2007

Chairmen of the boards

Our critics pick the 14 producers with the fattest, meanest beats
Not unlike Swedish, Tagalog, and Esperanto, music is a language, with its own conjugations and (lewdly) dangling participles.
By PHOENIX MUSIC STAFF  |  October 18, 2007

Singles scene

Local bands dig in with digital
It’s old news: this series of tubes they call the Internet has revolutionized the way music is distributed.
By WILL SPITZ  |  September 12, 2007


Excellent Italian Greyhound | Touch + Go
The blueprint for Shellac’s attack is as straightforward as it is severe.
By MICHAEL T. FOURNIER  |  July 23, 2007


AS220’s annual fest is a sensory overload — and then some
What began life as the comparatively modest Fool’s Ball has mutated into an unruly (but lovable) behemoth.
By ANDREA FELDMAN  |  July 10, 2007

Appetite for instruction

Get Him Eat Him get focused on Arms Down
As expected, Matt LeMay was musing on his favorite subject, indie rock, on which he demonstrated some pretty impressive insight.
By BOB GULLA  |  June 12, 2007

Just the Fax

Kurt Cobain to the Phoenix : ‘F--- off!’
This article originally appeared in the August 13, 1993 issue of the Boston Phoenix.
By BRETT MILANO  |  March 29, 2007

Prometheus’s fire

Iggy and the Stooges bring it again
One year younger than Dolly Parton, Iggy is an indestructible trouper whose communion with his audience is vulgar, essential, perennial.
By JAMES PARKER  |  March 06, 2007

Indie springs forward

Clap your hands and say Axl
For years we waited. And then we started making jokes about it. And then the jokes got old. So we waited some more. Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, "Love Song No. 7" (mp3)
By MATT ASHARE  |  January 02, 2007

Take two

Ben Potrykus gets a second shot with Christians & Lions
In 2003, Ben Potrykus, then a freshman at Emerson College and the singer of the post-hardcore band the Receiving End of Sirens, made a decision that most aspiring musicians would call crazy: he turned down a major-label record deal to stay in school. VIDEO: Behind the scenes with Christians and Lions Christians and Lions, "Sexton Under Glass" (mp3)
By WILL SPITZ  |  November 27, 2006

On the racks: November 21, 2006

Army of Anyone, Joanna Newsom, the Game, (+44)
...And You Will Know Us by the Trail of the Dead
By MATT ASHARE  |  November 21, 2006

Poetic justice

Joanna Newsom rises to the occasion on Ys
Hang your heads, folk pretenders, because this it what it means to write lyrics.
By JAMES PARKER  |  November 09, 2006

Soft sells

The rise of indie rock’s cult of the singer-songwriter
Quiet is the new loud, pretty is the new rocking, and acoustic is the new electric. The Mountain Goats, "Woke Up New" (YouTube)
By FRANKLIN BRUNO  |  September 22, 2006

Proud to be loud

Inside Touch and Go’s indie empire
So what would prompt a person to fly to Chicago for a long weekend only to stand around at a music festival whose headliners were on the level of the unpronounceable !!!, the Steve Albini/Bob Weston noise machine Shellac, and Arizona Giant Sand mates Calexico? Big Black, "The Power of Independent Trucking" (mp3)
By MATT ASHARE  |  September 20, 2006

Work ethics

Jason Molina and Magnolia Electric Co.
You can file Jason Molina with the über-prolific. Magnolia Electric Co., "Lonesome Valley" (mp3)
By MICHAEL ALAN GOLDBERG  |  September 15, 2006

Touch and Go turns 25

The label's best
Next month, the indie label Touch & Go will celebrate 25 years of searing post-punk and challenging indie rock with a three-day block party, September 8-10, in Chicago.
By ADAM MOERDER  |  August 15, 2006

Cheap Trick

Rockford | Big3
After a decade of trying to create (and capitalize) on a return to form, Cheap Trick have delivered.
By JED GOTTLIEB  |  August 01, 2006

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