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baldacci list

Having it Both Ways

Should we blame Baldacci now?
 For years, Democratic Governor John Baldacci, governors before him, and many legislators have made job creation their loudest mantra. “Jobs!” echoes under Augusta’s State House dome as the rationale for cutting taxes and expenses (services) and increasing corporate tax breaks to make Maine more “business friendly.”
By LANCE TAPLEY  |  June 03, 2009

Stickin' it to the poor

Right wing celebrates state budget
The Maine Heritage Policy Center, a right-wing Portland think tank, has been bragging in news releases about how state leaders have followed its advice, approving a two-year state-government budget that, among other cuts, slashes school aid, programs for the needy, and state-employee pay.
By LANCE TAPLEY  |  June 03, 2009

Recession lesson

Drinkin 'n' thinkin'
Cigarette tax hikes in Rhode Island have smokers kicking the habit.
By MARY ANN SORRENTINO  |  May 20, 2009

The tax man speaketh

Letters to the Boston editor, May 15, 2009
I agree that we need to take a long, hard look at what we value in our state — healthy air and water, good schools, roads, safety — and figure out how we’re going to pay for it!
snus list

You Snus you lose

Rhymes with noose
Unbowed by last month's $1 a pack increase in the cigarette tax, the tobacco industry is pushing new unhealthy products to gain more Rhode Island customers.
By STEVEN STYCOS  |  May 13, 2009

Art for art's sake

The creative economy
Apparently, I'm one of those artist-types. Except it's not called "artist" anymore. That term is too, well ... artsy-fartsy. It doesn't adequately convey my critical importance to society.
By AL DIAMON  |  April 29, 2009

Tax time?

New taxes may be needed. Plus, why Massachusetts can take pride in the Serve America Act.
State House of Representatives leaders have served the Commonwealth well with their austere new budget: they have shown us the tremendous sacrifices we will need to make, and the drastic cuts that will be put into effect, if we don't raise new revenues.
By EDITORIAL  |  April 22, 2009

Payin' for my sins

Politics and other mistakes
I don’t like the way you’re looking at me.
By AL DIAMON  |  April 15, 2009

Slideshow: Boston Tea Party 2009

Tea Bagging on the Commons
Protestors assembed at the Commons for the Boston Tea Party 2009, also called Tea Bagging Day
By ERIC BAUMANN  |  April 20, 2009

Equal scary people

Should foreigners -- like folks from NH -- vote in Maine?
I have nothing against people who've had the misfortune of being born in other nations. Unless they're from Chad.
By AL DIAMON  |  April 08, 2009

How much do lobbyists pay to get their way?

Special interests are big spenders at the State House
In 2008, corporations spent more than $3 million to hire lobbyists to protect their interests at the Rhode Island State House.
By STEVEN STYCOS  |  March 18, 2009

Cleaning up Maine's sleaze

Politicians have left it to the people
When tourists admire Maine's picturesque waterfronts, they aren't close enough to smell the barrels reeking with rotting lobster bait.
By LANCE TAPLEY  |  March 18, 2009

Devotion to unholy creed

Al Daimon insists he ain't a right-wing jerk. Really.
Some of my readers have a warped view of my political bent.
By AL DIAMON  |  March 11, 2009

Here it comes again

Gov. Baldacci's stupid approach to tax reform.
Is it possible to tax stupidity? If so, Maine could generate enough revenue to eliminate the income tax, property tax, excise tax, inheritance tax, and sales tax.
By AL DIAMON  |  March 04, 2009

Star crossed

Limbaugh's a celebrity, not a political player
Rush Limbaugh, pink cheeked and increasingly porcine, has emerged as the de-facto head of the Republican Party.
By EDITORIAL  |  March 06, 2009

Hope for young homebuyers

The lousy economy — and Obama's stimulus package — has a silver lining
Good news if you're in a sufficiently stable financial situation to think of bailing from greater Portland's rental-housing morass.
By DEIRDRE FULTON  |  February 23, 2009

Close connections

Some of Lifespan's board members do business with the hospital network
Some of Lifespan's board members do business with the hospital network
By STEVEN STYCOS  |  February 11, 2009

'07 hospital CEO compensation

A list of hospital CEOs' compensation
By STEVEN STYCOS  |  February 20, 2009

The wrong man for hard times

State House Democrats need to stand up to the governor
Most Democrats see Barack Obama’s inauguration as a clear-cut, welcome turn to the left.
By LANCE TAPLEY  |  February 04, 2009

Turnpike tolls go up - again

Cost of living
As if living in Maine wasn't expensive enough, on Sunday, tolls on the Maine Turnpike will increase for the second time in four years, and a year earlier than originally planned.
By KATRINA BOTELHO + JEFF INGLIS  |  January 28, 2009

What's wrong with Augusta?

Whatever it is, it isn't new. Things were just as screwed up a decade ago — in the opposite direction
Charlie Colgan couldn't predict a recession if its arrival was signaled by warning lights and sirens.
By AL DIAMON  |  January 29, 2009

Politics and other mistakes: Sweet electricity

Annexed electricity
Harley Lee has a lot to learn about running a scam.
By AL DIAMON  |  January 14, 2009

Hey Guv: Pay it forward

Paying upfront
In no case can there be more borrowing. Not from Nature, not from our children, not from the future. It's time to pay it forward. To put back.  
By PORTLAND PHOENIX LETTERS  |  January 07, 2009

Hey guv: stop slashing!

State budget cuts just make the recession worse
It seems as if there’s no light at the end of the state’s gloomy fiscal tunnel.
By LANCE TAPLEY  |  December 31, 2008

Follow the leaders

With the economy already staggering and sure to get worse, Massachusetts needs its elected officials to suck it up and show the way
While we won't have George W. Bush to bash for the national trials that await us in 2009, we can learn important lessons from his past failings.
By EDITORIAL  |  December 30, 2008

Survivor winnings could help the state

We can be certain that the state's bean-counters are looking forward to Crowley's 2008 tax return — and its accompanying check.
By JEFF INGLIS  |  December 23, 2008

Council sinks pier deal, floats arts TIF

City beat
Three pieces of big news came out of Monday's Portland City Council meeting. Make sure you stay in the loop.
By DEIRDRE FULTON  |  November 19, 2008

Portland City Council

A look at who’s running for City Hall
As with the other races, we asked each candidate what their first major effort would be, once elected.
By DEIRDRE FULTON  |  October 29, 2008

Maine House candidates

Who wants to go to Augusta?
As with the candidates for Maine Senate, we compiled some biographical information on each candidate and then asked each person what they would take action on right up front, if they were elected.
By DEIRDRE FULTON  |  October 29, 2008

Running for Maine Senate

Five candidates in two districts
For this year’s candidate profiles, we assembled some basic information on each person seeking election, and then asked them to explain what their top priority would be.
By DEIRDRE FULTON  |  October 29, 2008

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