Rolling in the dough.
By MATT JONES | November 11, 2009
Click here for this week's solution

1 Good buddy
4 Actress Alexander and First Kid Obama
10 Supposedly insane Roman ruler
14 Shrinks' org.
15 Getting a move on
16 President's tenures, so to speak
17 Bready agreement?
20 Native Alaskan
21 Tater ___ casserole
22 Curvy segments
23 "The Wizard of Oz" disaster
25 Vittles
26 One end of a gas gauge
29 "Ni Hao, Kai-___" (Nickelodeon cartoon)
32 Bready folk singing group?
39 Crop-eating pest
40 "Geese a-laying" number
41 Gives off
42 Bready magic act?
45 International Talk Like a Pirate Day mo.
46 New England seafood catch
47 Maj. event for a law student
50 Tetanus, more familiarly
56 Barnyard noises
57 "___ blu dipinto di blu" ("Volare" alternate title)
59 Sierra ___ (African nation)
60 Bready phrase after a double take?
63 Abbr. on a mountain sign
64 Lure into trouble
65 Toilet seat component
66 Sultry spy Mata
67 Invitees
68 The start of something? | Down
1 ___ the pump
2 Speed skater ___ Anton Ohno
3 "Today" host Matt
4 "I ___ man in Reno / just to watch him die" ("Folsom Prison Blues" line)
5 River islet
6 What a poem might be
7 "Farmer in the Dell" syllables
8 Med. student's study
9 Pepper's rank: abbr.
10 Leader with a jacket named for him
11 Author who went by the pseudonym George Orwell
12 Charlie Brown epithet
13 Sugary suffix
18 Caulking tool
19 It's good for nothing, in song
24 Anti-trafficking org.
25 OB/___ (baby doctor)
27 ___ stapler (tool with a hand grip)
28 They're "at work" when talking about public projects
30 Pretentiously creative
31 NASDAQ competitor
32 "Fail" alternative
33 "Good Eats" episode title where Alton Brown discusses lemon meringue
34 1992 Robert Altman satire of Hollywood execs
35 Company with huge losses in 2008
36 Adobe file ext.
37 Rec room
38 L squared, in Roman numerals
43 Queue after Q
44 "Much ___ About Nothing"
48 2009 Tobin Bell horror sequel
49 "Evil Dead" protagonist Williams
51 Shortens toenails
52 Secretary of the Interior Salazar
53 Unit of energy, in physics
54 They're against
55 Series set in the California town of Agrestic
56 Composer Bartok
57 When doubled, a greeting from Mork
58 Suffix after "kitchen"
60 "Yeah, sure" laugh
61 Brain scan, for short
62 Wrestlemania spot |
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