Coolster Steve Pink’s edumacational attack on the whole college experience just might make you think twice about the Mongol horde of freshmen set to descend on our fair city. Bartleby Gaines (Justin Long) is a likable loser who’s been rejected by eight schools. So what’s the harm in getting “accepted” by a fake college called the South Harmon Institute of Technology (or SHIT)? Before long, what started as an ploy to fool his parents morphs into a wacko experiment in post-secondary ed for rejects, sans classes or instructors, with The Daily Show’s Lewis Black as the rabidly anti-establishment dean. The school is, of course, ridiculous; it’s set in an abandoned mental hospital and is surprisingly well-endowed, in every sense. But Long is a revelation as its reluctant pitchman and fratboy scourge. Add a cheeky supporting cast and a knowing script and you’ve got the summer’s most irreverent comedy.
On the Web
The official Web site of Accepted: //