You're never too young to save the planet
By KARA BASKIN | November 6, 2007
 Liz Vittori Koch |
As we in the green generation come of age, it's only natural that we seek out organic accoutrements for our offspring. This is harder than you might think. Until a couple of years ago, Boston didn't have a single children's shop devoted to organic clothing and toys. Liz Vittori Koch, a mother of two, decided to change that. After finding herself limited to the lonely world of online eco-shopping, she decided to launch her own eco-friendly baby business. "I figured there were a lot of people just sitting home alone, tapping at their computers," she says.
She hatched HATCHED on — where else? — Green Street, in Jamaica Plain, and the response has been tremendous. People stop in to buy eco-friendly toys, organic mattresses, shoes, and cloth diapers. In fact, Hatched has turned into something of a gathering place for young parents and parents-to-be. Many locals drop by just to get impromptu cloth-diapering lessons or to learn about the benefits of going green. Hatched's prices are reasonable, equal to what you'd pay at major chains such as the Gap.
"We try to sell high-quality, affordable clothing," Koch says. "Plus, it's healthier for your child, and healthier for the environment." Hatched also offers an organic gift registry. Does your darling, satanic little nephew really need another Baby Einstein CD?
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