Cassandra's DreamUnbearably grim  January 16,
2008 3:16:10 PM
Hayley Atwell
First off, I love Woody Allen. Now, the review: Cassandra’s Dream is the latest addition to Woody’s series of films on the idea that people feel a bit guilty after they commit murder. In this case, it’s working-class English brothers Terry (Colin Farrell) and Ian (Ewan McGregor), who, in need of cash, agree to off an associate of a rich uncle (Tom Wilkinson). The film’s first half portrays Terry and Ian as implausible, happy-go-lucky near-simpletons who bop around dreaming big but make do living small. It’s not quite comedy, and it’s definitely not drama. It’s more like . . . boredom. But as Terry and Ian plot and (spoiler alert!) eventually commit the crime, their lives unravel and the film’s mood becomes hyper-realistic (short on suspense, long on repetition: boredom again) and almost unbearably grim. Well, as we used to say about the Sox and can still say about Woody Allen movies, there’s always next year. 108 minutes | Boston Common + Fenway + Kendall Square + Circle/Chestnut Hill + suburbs

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