Definitely, MaybeAgonizingly boring  February 15,
2008 11:51:28 AM
Abigail Breslin and Ryan Reynolds
Ryan Reynolds has a certain smarmy charm when called upon to play douchebag types, but sincerity is not his strong point — it turns to blandness. He’s agonizingly boring in this tepid romantic comedy by director Adam Brooks, playing an about-to-be-divorced dad whose annoying daughter (Abigail Breslin, ubiquitous since Little Miss Sunshine) wants to hear the “real” story of how her parents met. The romance is told in flashbacks full of jokes about the early 1990s. A guy’s cellphone is huge, he’s never heard of Nirvana — it’s hilarious stuff. Reynolds’s character has relationships with three women played by a slumming Rachel Weisz, a peppy Isla Fisher, and a sweet Elizabeth Banks, and his daughter has to figure out which one is her mother. You’d have to be a pretty dumb kid not to recognize your own mother, but this is a pretty dumb movie.
105 minutes | Boston Common + Fenway + Fresh Pond + Circle + suburbs

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- Ramon Martinez, Bill Harley, Ren Whitaker, and Bob Fusaro
Dutifully soporific
Poignant enough
Doesn't kick it soon enough
All funked up
Better than generic holiday fare
Introducing reggaetón
Crass and crude and mostly annoying humor
The legendary playwright is better
Predictability ensues

- Nobody knows
- Unforgettable direction
- A bloodless slasher flick
- Sexy but emotionally failing
- A limp comedic effort
- Big screen fairy tale
- Majesty and manure
- Clear and serene
- Hilariously good gorefest
- FirstWorks sends in the puppets