The Spiderwick ChroniclesPoignant enough  February 13,
2008 2:31:05 PM
Freddie Highmore
Based on the popular children’s-book series and directed by Mark Waters, the film version of The Spiderwick Chronicles centers on the three Grace siblings and their interactions — some friendly, some potentially deadly — with fairies and goblins. Freddie Highmore plays both of the identical-twin Graces, Jared and Simon (Sarah Bolger is sister Mallory), and he gives them separate identities, Simon nerdy, Jared angry over his parents’ impending divorce. That divorce and, more specifically, the relationships between unreliable fathers and their children play a central role, the Grace kids’ family life overlapping with and echoed by their supernatural adventure. It’s all handled with a deft touch, giving the film a poignance that balances nicely with the PG-level action. 97 minutes | Boston Common + Fenway + Fresh Pond + Circle + suburbs

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Dutifully soporific
Agonizingly boring
Doesn't kick it soon enough
All funked up
Better than generic holiday fare
Introducing reggaetón
Crass and crude and mostly annoying humor
The legendary playwright is better
Predictability ensues

- Nobody knows
- Unforgettable direction
- A bloodless slasher flick
- Sexy but emotionally failing
- A limp comedic effort
- Big screen fairy tale
- Majesty and manure
- Clear and serene
- Hilariously good gorefest
- FirstWorks sends in the puppets