Tame By: TOM MEEK4/19/2006 3:01:10 PM 
The animation war between Disney and DreamWorks (A Bugs Life versus Antz; Monsters, Inc. versus Shrek) continues with Disney’s response to Madagascar (though it’s said Disney had this one in works for some time). Instead of a lion, a hippo, a zebra, and a giraffe, you’ve got the lion and the giraffe teamed up with a snake, a koala bear (a droll Eddie Izzard), and a squirrel who bust out of the New York zoo, get impounded on a freighter, and land in the African wild sans survival instincts. Madagascar is no ideal to aspire to, and though The Wild is not much of an improvement, the absence of Chris Rock’s motormouth zebra is a boon, and the premise for the misadventure — the Finding Nemo–esque quest of Samson the Lion (Kiefer Sutherland) to retrieve Ryan (Greg Cipes), his wayward cub — endears no matter how gimmicky it may be. Other than that, and a cheeky gaggle of clandestine chameleons, little in director Steve “Spaz” Williams’s wild world growls a notch above tame.

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