If a Neil Young neophyte (my only previous exposure comes from recent Coolidge Award winner Jonathan Demme's Neil Young:Heart of Gold) can find himself rocking in a cinema seat to the spirited, soulful music performed in this second of a rumored triptych of Demme-directed, Young-starring concert documentaries, long-time fans are bound to break their armrests. The 2006 film captured the Canadian crooner performing his golden heart out during a mostly acoustic set on the eve of an operation to relieve a brain aneurysm, and if the two performances that form Trunk Show (recorded at the Tower Theater in Pennsylvania during the Chrome Dreams II tour) prove anything, it's that he's a survivor, especially in these musically Gaga days.
The most medical attention Young requires this time out is a between-set manicure on an index finger. I wouldn't be at all surprised to learn that he injured the nail during a showstopping, 23-minute version of "No Hidden Path."