For argument's sake, let's say you were a famous musician married to Courtney Love, and in 1994 you faked your own death and planned to anonymously live out the rest of your years somewhere far, far away from both the irritating spotlight and the even more irritating ol' wifey. You'd probably end up eventually busking on a Russian subway station, right? And now that everyone has a camera phone (welcome to the show, motherland!), it's no surprise the jig is finally up, right? Right?
Okay, sure, fine, evs city, maybe that's not actually Kurt Cobain performing "About A Girl" for jovial and appreciative subway riders in Novosibirsk.
But suspiciously, just in time for this September's 20th anniversary of the release of Nevermind, this guy Nikolai starts showing up on the interwebs. Despite Russia's subway systems being among the most spectacular in the world, Novosibirsk is pretty much the last place we'd find a Cobain impersonator doing maybe the best Cobain impression since Verbena's "Baby Got Shot". Or maybe it all makes perfect sense, since Russia has been musically lost since Kino's Viktor Tsoi died in 1990.
Someone get Novoselic (Novosibirsk... Novoselic... hmmmm) and Grohl on the horn and let's hook this shit up. If that kid from Days of the New can bang out a sick Jim Morrison with the Doors, lil' Nikolai can front Nirvana for a 20th anniversary legacy tour.
Here's a note from Faux Kurt's wife: Hello and happy new Year everyone! My name is Diana, and the man playng Nirvana in this video is my husband Nikolai. He plays not only Nirvana, but his own songs too. We're both musicians, we play for ourselves, family and friends. By the way, Nirvana is sacred for me, so I never busk with it. And now we don't busk anymore. I discovered this video a week ago, I guess one of our listeners uploaded it. Thank you for your good comments and for the bad ones too. This is an incentive to improve."
No, Diana, it's incentive to come to America! He could be the Ted Williams of Grunge, "the man with the Golden Nirvana Voice!"
Imagine it now: Nu-Nirvana? Newvana? In Bloom: Nirvana 2.0? I think it's time.
Since I have Nirvana on the brain, below is a clip of the show referenced in this week's Cellars column, from their Axis gig on the eve of Nevermind's release, as well as the band doing Crisco Twister at Bill's Bar, presumably on the same night.
After the jump, also check out the flyer for a Culver City casting call for the "Smells Like Teen Spirit" video shoot, which made the interweb round a few weeks ago. Imagine the people who blew that shit off.