Boston Phoenix
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Chris Faraone
By Brad Marston on 03-16-2011 in Talking Politics
PAX East, Day 2: MIT's Hate Speech project, Portal 2, Powerglove and Video Game Orchestra - lolololololololol, No one was kicked out. I *was* on of the people that fat chick stood up and yelled...By Lolwut on 03-14-2011 in Laser Orgy
PAX East, Day 3: Telltale Games, Indie start-ups, and - unfortunately - Dickwolves - DocLoliday - Yes. Apparently someone once made a threat against the artists family. That's terrible...By emmy on 03-14-2011 in Laser Orgy
PAX East, Day 3: Telltale Games, Indie start-ups, and - unfortunately - Dickwolves - Hi Maddie! I'm a woman, and a gamer and I care. I'm very glad that you have chosen to write these...By TansyJ. on 03-14-2011 in Laser Orgy
PAX East, Day 3: Telltale Games, Indie start-ups, and - unfortunately - Dickwolves - Here's my guidelines for the whole thing: when you respond to a controversy like this check one thing...By Kay_M on 03-14-2011 in Laser Orgy