Oscar + Race
So my tally this year is 25 out of 30 correct, or 83%. Let’s
say a B. An improvement over a year ago, with
6 wrong. Now if I
had gone with my first choice and the received wisdom and picked “Little Miss Sunshine” for
Best Picture over the long shot “Bobby” that would have brought the score up to
87% and a B+ but then if I got it right I would have looked like a genius…
Okay, enough whiny second
guessing. I swore I wouldn’t go over the might have beens when the Patriots
lost, and that was something really important. So let’s look at the bigger
picture: what does it mean?
It means my basic idea that the Academy makes its choices
partly and perhaps subconsciously based on timid knee-jerk liberal principles
still holds, with reservations. “Letters to Iwo Jima,”
which I said would be too “real”
for Academy members to endorse as Best Picture, got a nomination. Same for “United
93,” which got a Best Director nomination (remember the nominees get voted on
by the members of their particular branch, and if anyone in Hollywood was going to see Paul
Greengrass’s harrowing film, it would be the directors). So I underestimated the
Academy’s backbone when it came to these two.
But what’s the deal with “Dreamgirls?” Everyone misjudged
this one. Things started looking bad for the film, touted as an Oscar shoo-in
before anyone had even seen it, when Bill Condon didn’t get a Best Director
nomination. True, the film got the most nominations (eight), but none that
mattered. Eddie Murphy
and Jennifer Hudson got relegated to the traditional
minority ghetto of the Supporting categories, and the rest of the nods were in the
razzle dazzle category of art design, costume, songs, etc. Was this a sign of
the predominantly white and male academy’s understated racism? Or, more
insidiously, its homophobia?
Another surprise is Brad Pitt’s failure
to gain a nomination
as the privileged white guy who gets a lesson in Third World misery in “Babel.” The Academy
apparently preferred its white guys nominated for supporting roles to remain unpunished
and unrepentant, as with Alan
Arkin’s unapologetically perverse and homophobic geezer in “Little Miss
Sunshine” and Mark Wahlberg’s shamelessly politically incorrect townie cop in
“The Departed.”
Otherwise, “Babel”
and “The Departed,” hold up as top contenders. In the end, this year’s Oscars,
and probably every year’s, comes down to guilt. Which do they feel more guilty
about? Their culpability for a world of injustice dominated by Western greed, indifference and power
for which the phony pastiche of progressive values that is “Babel" provides a
panacea? Or about the criminal neglect of Martin Scorsese, one the world’s
greatest filmmakers, to whom they have never
given an award?