
Once again
the Brandchannel people are about to present their annual awards
for product polacement
achievements in film, but this year they are including the poor schmucks who
pay $10 to be unwittingly subjected to this insidious advertising in the award process. But you have
to act fast! Voting ends today!
Here are some
of the categories up for votes:
Stealer: Brand that stole the spotlight from the actual stars of the film.
Brandcameo that ruined your enjoyment of a scene or film.
Odd Couple:
Brandcameo with the most awkward fit
Film Whore:
Film that sold more of its soul to accommodate product placement.
To this I
would suggest adding a “September Issue of Vogue” award for the film with the
most ostentatious display of chi-chi labels and give it to “Sex and the City”
and the “Movie in Disguise” award to the film that came closest to eliminating
all traces of actual filmmaking and replacing them with product promotion -- that would go to“Transformers” even though it came out last year.
Here’s a link
to refresh your memory of some of the year’s product placement highlights.