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100 unsexiest men 2009

In the footsteps of the devil

Why did Mohammed Atta choose to spend his last night on Earth in my hometown?
By MIKE MILIARD  |  September 11, 2006

OH THE PLACES THEY WENT: Clockwise from left: box cutters at Wal-Mart, one of two ATMs, the Portland International Airport, the Comfort Inn, and a Citgo station near the Airport's entrance

No physical, documentary, or analytical evidence provides a convincing explanation of why Atta and Omari drove to Portland, Maine, from Boston on the morning of September 10. — The 9/11 Commission Report

On top of everything else that day, there was this. Like everyone, I sat transfixed by that grotesque, smoldering heap of charred and twisted metal, dumbstruck as I watched cable news for seeming days on end, drinking too much and crying over strangers I’d never known. And, of course, I was scared that it could all happen again. But there was also a deep sense of numbing disquiet.

Why? Why did Mohammed Atta, the purported 9/11 ringleader — the whey-faced Egyptian who’d wrested control of Boston-based American Airlines Flight 11, banked it sharply to the south, and then buried it at nearly 500 miles per hour between the 93rd and 99th floors of the North Tower of the World Trade Center — decide to spend the last night of his life in my hometown?

They say that when your house is burglarized, even if nothing especially valuable is stolen, you’re left with a profound sense of violation. That’s how I felt when I learned that Atta had rented a blue Nissan Altima on September 10, picked up Abdul Aziz al Omari at Boston’s Milner Hotel, and drove up I-95 to South Portland, Maine. That they’d spent the night before they murdered thousands wending through the same strip-mall traffic I used to drive around as a bored high-school student. That they ate in the same Pizza Hut that used to excite me as a kid.

It didn’t make sense. Things like this weren’t supposed to happen in Maine. People like that weren’t supposed to go there. Sleepy, quiet, out-of-the-way Maine? Why on earth would they? There were theories, of course — the most plausible being that airport security in sleepy, quiet, out-of-the-way Maine is a lot easier to slip through than it is in Boston. Still, my mind raced. Was there another plot in the works? A strike at unlikely locales in small-town America, with Atta’s stopover meant to put it all in motion? When they started finding anthrax everywhere, a mild panic set in. What if Atta was the anthrax man, and he’d left some behind in Portland? All it takes is a single spore. I began to entertain all sorts of wild, paranoid notions, envisioning a tiny mote somehow floating the short distance from the motel to the mall, lodging in the lungs of a family member or friend.

Of course, none of that happened. Portland is its quiet self again. But no one ever did suss out why Atta and al Omari took that 12-hour overnight jaunt to Maine. Five years later, it still bugs me. So I figured maybe the best way apprehend it is to follow in the hijackers’ footsteps. To put myself where Atta and al Omari were: places that are so familiar to me. To see again what they saw the night before they died and killed.

Deep discomfort
The Comfort Inn at 90 Maine Mall Road is drab and shabby, even by budget-hotel standards. The lobby is poorly lit. The piped-in smooth jazz, mixed with the crisp smell of industrial cleaning supplies and faint tang of a summer’s worth of human traffic, almost makes me queasy. Checking in, I wonder what Mohammed Atta might have thought when doing the same. Was he preoccupied with the task he’d be carrying out in the morning, or did he take time to notice the tourists in tacky clothes dawdling around him? Did he look at the dowdy front-desk attendant with the friendly voice and think of her as an American citizen? Someone he wanted to murder?

Outside, towering above the hot tarred parking lot, is a letter-board sign: COME CELEBRATE SUMMER WITH US. I imagine a similar sign was posted there the week after Labor Day five years ago. I think of Atta and al Omari chuckling at its sunny obliviousness as they pull into their last stop before decisively ending the summer of 2001 — and life as we’d known it up to that point.

Inside the room are more signs. On the back of the bathroom door is an admonition to run the vent when showering because “steam and heat may set off the smoke detector.” There’s another on the other door: a diagram of this box-shaped, four-story brick building, mapping its emergency exit plan with arrows and a walking-not-running stick figure. Did they look at these signs and think of the mammoth conflagration they were about to unleash, the people who’d be seeking escape via endless stairwells or upper-story leaps? Within minutes of my check-in, a low-flying plane rumbles loudly overhead. Did they hear it? Did they think of it with queasy foreboding, or did their hearts quicken with excitement?

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In the footsteps of the devil
I just read your riveting piece of trash. You're so f**king brave to stay where the hijackers did. And who are you to call our hotel drab & dreary obviously you didn't look around to closely, and by the way get your facts straight is wasn't room 232. And who are you to trash our business simply because people driving up the road towards the airport randomly choose our hotel, enough is enough. It think it's high time to let it go, yes they stayed in Portland at the Comfort Inn, let it go. You can't imagine how many comments over the years we've had to deal, let it go. All of the employees are sick of you and the other idiots is these worlds that just need to make the comment “Did they stay here?” STOP with the comments let us heal.
By Mr Smith on 09/07/2006 at 3:37:57
In the footsteps of the devil
To Mike Miliard; I don't know whether to laugh at your pathetic attempt at a story or feel sorry for you. Apparently you must need anti depressants to make it through your day. Did you ever once stop to think that the people that you grew up with still live & work around the mall area? Some have jobs at the Walmart that you verbally trashed, and the Comfort Inn that you thought so little of. One of your neighbors may have sat next to a terrorist on the flight to Boston. Did you forget to annihilate that poor person too? What's wrong with you that you would take out your own personal hatred on peers that work hard for a living and enjoy our fine city. Nobody that you picked on in your article once invited the terrorists to come here. I implore you to please get some counseling for your anger management or find another job!
By A.E. Robbins on 09/08/2006 at 10:12:16
In the footsteps of the devil
I cant speak for the Comfort Inn because I have never been there, but come on! You make South Portland sound like Detroit. What is the deal with all of the needless descriptive details? You sound like you are doing a monologue of a 1940's private eye movie. To those that have never been to South Portland its really not that bad!
By AO on 09/08/2006 at 1:07:21
In the footsteps of the devil
Fuck all this Miliard-bashing and let's talk about something *much* more interesting & relevant: was Lindsey wearing panties or was she panty-less when she stepped off the boat in Venice -- // -- come on people, 9/11 is so like 5 years ago!
By w00t on 09/08/2006 at 4:28:32
In the footsteps of the devil
Wow, you mainers really get pissed. Don't worry - your image hasn't been damaged in my eyes. Of course, the fact that Atta didn't fly the plane into the tower makes this article moot. Haven't you seen loose change? Every piece of reflective "journalism" on the horrible 9/11 saga misses one piece of the puzzle: It wasn't egyptian, saudi arabian, afghani terrorists - it was Dick Cheney. And he's in Boston right now, sticking his face in our face in the city he blamed for his dirty work. Here's how it went: he ordered an air force stand down, planned military exercises that would take the air force to Canada for the day, set Bush up to be in an elementary school in Fla. for the day (where he stayed, in the open, for the duration of the "attacks"), set up the pentagon with a big mark on the lawn pointing at where the missile should be fired, did an operation northwoods times 4, and sat back and implemented his policies for 5 years. Now that's a scary terrorist, and he's in MY home country.
By j on 09/09/2006 at 9:08:03
In the footsteps of the devil
I feel the need to respond to this. My daughter works at the Comfort Inn. I'm a firm believer in "the Freedom of Speech." I don't believe in Slander. We as readers expect nothing less than the truth from writers. The Comfort Inn in South Portland made it to the Top 20 list in the country for lots of reasons, none of which you described. Your writing style is wretched, and you as a person are very offensive. My Daughter and the rest of the staff at Comfort Inn are very thankful for the Tourists and Corporate clientele that come to their hotel. A majority of their guests will always be repeat guests due to the cleanliness of the hotel and the terrific guest service skills that they receive. To the readers: Don't expect the hotel to be a four story building as Mike described it. He was right there and he counted four - it's three stories!! I keep reading the article, there isn't a single bit of truth. My Daughter and other staff members who were at the hotel five years ago have very deep emotions about this tragedy. You are messing with peoples feelings here. We need to help mend my daughters emotions and her friends. They are very close to one another and protect each other, they don't need someone heartless coming in and turning everything upside down. It would be real nice if you could change your writing style. I feel that it is your responsibility to report the facts, not corrupting lies. You are a very deplorable, nauseating man. You must have a "little" good somewhere, I just don't see it. Shame on you for being the poor writer that you are.
By SM on 09/09/2006 at 10:59:20
In the footsteps of the devil
Here is a thought for you; tomorrow is the five year anniversary of 9/11. Instead of carrying out your normal daily activities, or even paying tribute to the victims, their families/friends and others left behind, why dont you make your way over to Comfort Inn and volunteer your time for the entire day. While your there remember to graciously smile as the you are insulted, ridiculed, talked down to and screamed at by those ignorant people who find it necessary to make jokes out of the situation. Be sure to offer their standard of "100% guest satisfaction" as yet another ignorant person berates you for "allowing" the terrorists to stay. Be sure to maintain that same standard when you are asked for the "terrorists room," or the "terrorists rate." Hide any tears or pain you may feel because your sister was due to fly out on the plane that crashed into the WTC. Hide that because your no longer human, your just a desk clerk at the Comfort Inn. Ignore the fact that the staff that remains from that horrible day had their lives ripped open, searched and srutinized. Ignore the fact that these human beings had to deal with the most horrible of crimes against our nation and still maintain a professional attitude. Ignore the fact that many of them had/still have nightmares, panic attacks, trauma and fear from that day and the ones that followed. I expect you will be able to do this because from your own writting you appear as calloused, cold hearted, souless and in-humane as they come. May God have mercy on your ignorance. And may the staff of the Comfort Inn South Portland know that you acted above and beyond and I for one hold you in my prayers still. Polly
By Polly on 09/10/2006 at 2:19:16
In the footsteps of the devil
As we read about Mike Miliard that he "walked in Mohammed Atta's footsteps" I would like to offer some reality to him and all others. Mike and any other typical American would never walk in Mohammed’s footsteps and that is because the people in the USA are among satin while Mohammed was and is among God. None of the American people could ever imagine are come to any type of understanding why Mohammed was in Maine. For you to even question that shows your true colors and that is a typical evil, ignorant American. As Mike stated, "his area" he questions Mohammed’s appearance in his town. This is where the ignorant American comes in as to declaring his land, to clarify this as simple as I can, the Americans have nothing that rightfully belongs to them. The land of the USA was stolen, invaded taken over, they killed the Indians for this land and the evil, ignorant greedy Americans are still invading and killing today, in other parts of the world, to control and to steal, to make people believe and live as they do by force. As the people in the USA are running around like chickens with their heads cut off full of fear since the 9-11 and they have every justifiable reason to feel fear and that is because they know they are wrong they know they are evil and wrong in every thing they say and do, but under any circumstances as history proven they will never face the truth and admit that they are wrong and that is because they are so filled with evil greed that they would not want to miss a days pay. You see if the people of the USA took a moment to analyze and rationalize things they would need to then make a decision between good and bad and right from wrong but if they admit their faults then they would have to change their evil greedy ways and not many are ready to do that not when society has miss guided and brainwashed them for far too long now, but that does not mean that things will not change. As the President George Bush is in full of fear and is the biggest coward of them all that is the leader the people of the USA has and they follow him it is the same as following Satin, that is if Bush is not Satin or Satin has not possessed Bush that is in big question but wouldn’t be a surprise because Satin lives and breathes out of the USA. As for Mikes question about why Mohammed Atta was in Maine the night before the 9-11 is because he wanted to spend his last night in peace in a place that has more peaceful surroundings, not knowing that the evil people are still there but when you see a place that does not take too much materializing their surroundings of modernizing to an extent you have some what imagine that the reason behind Maine’s small town forest peaceful atmospheres that there is peace and that would presume that the people there are in peace and maybe not so much the same as the rest of the people of the USA because of the way they live are a little different set back a little that is the assumption that the entire USA has about Maine so why wouldn’t a man from another country make the same assumptions? And for Maine to be the only state that would offer such hope it would seem to be the place for some one to go to seek peace. Without going into full detail of why Mohammed did the actions he did I think I have answered Mikes question that seemed to have lingered on his life for 5 years now and maybe it is more then that for him and others maybe it is a feeling of guilt that this man had to take his own life just because of the ways of the evil American people. Alison Shunstrom Author of "World Peace"
By Alison on 09/11/2006 at 12:53:35
In the footsteps of the devil
Let me add one more thing as my Grandmother that is in her 80"s had said, about this so called "9-11" LET IT GO, and she is right in so many ways, and she has lived through every war we have had. Listen there was only 3000 people killed over this and you people that declared an eye for an eye you have killed over 30,000.00 innocent people in Iraq and around the world larger numbers. You people have no idea about the 9-11 and who the real terrorist is you can keep dwelling over it and listen to all the lies of the propaganda but you will never know the truth as long as you follow your evil government in the USA as President Bush is the only terrorist and he and Bin Laden together set up the so called 9-11 so stop all pf your lies and continue on with your lives in the right way. Let me also give you another detailed matter: Waiting again for a response from President George Bush; By President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: offer of a debate during the September.12,2006 UN Assembly in New York and by Alison Shunstrom: offer in full detail; Alison Shunstrom sent President George Bush a letter of an offer that claims is one he could not refuse. Sent by Federal Express on September.7, 2006 proof of confirmation of delivery by tracking number 8574 4583 2027 An offer George Bush cannot refuse An opportunity has come to the attention of the white house addressed to President George bush. As Bush and others try to continue their forced dominance around the world here before them lies the biggest opportunity they have ever had. As Bush claims Iran is filled with oppressed people and these people of Iran are so mentally and physically unhappy, tortured etc. now comes the time of truth. Bush has been offered to allow all of the people that feel they are oppressed to get a visa to leave Iran and go to the USA where they will have, "Freedom" As the USA has offered to pay out millions of dollars to get the people of Iran to turn against their government because the USA says they want to help the people then if that is true the USA wants to help the people and their claims that people are oppressed then the USA and the people of the USA will save millions of dollars by allowing visas for these same people that the USA claims are oppressed. But as the truth is Bush will never allow this because there is no oppressed people in Iran the only ones they will hear about are the traitors the same people that the USA has paid off to become traitors. If Bush refused this offer then that would only prove that he is after world dominance to take out Islam religion and to make change by force, first step is to create and atmosphere of diversion by chaos in putting the people against each other and to create an out look of Iran as un humanitarian living conditions mentally and physically caused by the Iran government. But with this opportunity brought forward to Bush how could he refuse to allow the visa's for these oppressed people if all Bush claims is the truth? He could not. But the truth is there are no oppressed people in Iran, the USA just wants to take control of the world and by taking out the last Islamic country that has not become traitors is the major step they need to succeed in order to make a great gain in having people at force by mislead lies and to be able to be in control of all the oil wealth in the world. This is an opportunity for the world to see and know of the lies that the USA says and the reason for their actions of their killings and invasions most are aware of thee truth but they all turn away because they are just as evil all for greed purposes. But this is the time to see that with this opportunity you will be able to reveal truth for the first time in history. You will see how in fact that the people of Iran are happy with their lives with their religion with their principals and culture, they like to follow God the do not like to follow Satin. You will see that the ones that will not ask for a visa are the ones that want to stay in their living conditions because their way is the right way their way is God’s way, they do not want to live a life in the fire by Satin. You will see the people of Iran will prove by not accepting the USA visa that the USA has invaded lands and killed billions of people in force to change them and to run the world to gain anything by killing and stealing. We also have the example from another country Venezuela the USA has been saying how oppressed the people in south America are but you do not see any Venezuelans running to the USA and leaving their culture and that is because they are happy and that is their rights they are their own country and the USA has no rights to make change any where. If the people in Iran are oppressed and Bush wants to help them and change culture and principals then he needs to invite those people and do it on his own lands the lands that he is in charge of. The USA in not in charge of any other country in the world only the USA and that is what the people of the USA need to understand. It is not any business how any country lives, if you feel you have rights to control other people and they want to be controlled by you, then you invite them on your land, and as we speak of your land we all know that the reason you have the land of USA is the same reason that you are invading other countries to steal the land as you did from the Indians, you call the Indians savages and you felt that you were superior then them because you did not like the way they lived you feel you are right and all are wrong so you killed them Indians for the ones that did not allow you to force them to change them and to force them to allow you to take their land. The USA is doing the same thing today. Most people in the USA are proud of their President Bush decisions they stand by him in his continuance invasions and killings they all are aware of why Bush is doing this and it is to keep the people in the USA greed’s fulfilled. I told many people in the last year that the USA will invade Iran next just to steal their oil and the typical American reactions were “so, let them we need the oil" That right there is proof that no matter what truth is revealed the people of the USA do not care they are so much with satin so greedy that they do not care about right and wrong. But this opportunity here lies for the few people that do care and that want to know the truth so they have opportunity to make right and that is what living is about and what makes a country run for the order of peace and justice. I have personally sent George Bush a letter with opportunity to prove to the world that he is not after dominance to take over countries and to steal and kill for control. We will see if Bush responds or again he remains the coward he is. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad gave Bush opportunity with a television debate to try to prove the very same information this opportunity will prove. If Bush again refuses then now all is up to the people that want truth, Peace, Love, freedom and justice to stand against the USA and to make change in any means that they are capable of. This also gives the ones that are with satin with the USA all the knowledge and reasons why God has allowed Holy world war for peace on earth, these people will not have to question why there is war on their front door. Attached is the letter sent to President George Bush. Letter sent to President George Bush through Federal Express dated on and received and signed on by. President George Bush, Hello, my name is Alison Yvonne Shunstrom, I am Native American, I am an Author and I have attached one of my books and some poetry for you. I have traces of Native Indian blood in my roots even as my Fathers Father was from Russia if you know history well you will know that thousands of years ago the Native Indians first came to the lands of the USA from Alaska and before they came from Alaska they were from Russia. I am no way a traitor to my country and please do not lead my words to any such lies. I am expressing that I am ashamed and embarrassed of my Country, the USA, as it has become a menace and with you creating most of this evil and chaos you are to blame and all that follow you. As a president you were and are able to make the right decisions for your Country but instead you chose to make all the wrong decisions and I am not speaking in any manner of my opinion only but more by facts and you know it as well as I do. I come forward to you as a representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran. We all have our responsibilities as individuals as you have yours by Satin and I have mine by God. As individuals trying to do our part there will be many different ways we need to accomplish them. My part comes to the peace for Iran by Gods wishes and demands for myself to be loyal to God and to do my part as a good person. It is that I must take matters into my own hands where others may have failed but as still teams with the ones that are beside God to work together as Mahmoud Ahmadinejad did not succeed to reveal you for what you are, He has not failed in any ways either. By you refusing his offers only proves you to be a coward and a liar, I must accompany him that is my duty in life that is the demands of God to create peace among us and this is where I come in to address you with an offer that you cannot refuse. If you think to refuse me as a no body you are refusing every one in the entire world and that would seem to make you the only some body and this is what we need to clarify that you and the people of the USA are the real losers here and after. I have the same authority as you and any one else in this world by God, and that makes you no better then I or any more authority then me. By your evil tactics and your evil brainwashing you have gained much more then me in the eyes of the real oppressors but to the only one that matters to achieve any goals of creating any peace and stability in the world is only through the eyes of God and I intend to do my part because God is the only one that I have to answer to. If you have a country that does not live by Gods rules then you have no real justice and you have no real freedom and no real peace and the USA does not live by God ways by any means therefore laws cannot come to justice and peace will not be stabilized and the people of God will not have any real rules to follow from that country because they are not by Gods rules and all aspects of life and law should only come from Gods wishes and demands but here in the USA they do not exist not one demand of God does an American live or think they by, they only live by satin. I am with full authority by God therefore with full accordance to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as he has been chosen and works only by and for God, I bring to you an opportunity for you to prove to the world that you are all of that which you say. Meaning that you are not trying to take over countries for your own purposes through evil greedy ways. You have rejected President Mahmouds Letter and Television debate, well Mr. George Bush this is an offer that you can not refuse. You say that you want the people in Iran to be free, free from what? Free from God? You want the people to be with satin as you are? You tell the people of Iran that you will help them with evil greed ways of life if they go against God, but you use different words as to miss lead the people into thinking that you are of God and you can offer them a better life, Face it Mr. Bush we both know that is not at all the true reasons. I propose to you that with your claims that you make against Iran that there are so many oppressed people that you feel you need to be the authority of a country that you have no rights of authority to put your money where your mouth is and with this you have offered millions of dollars to try to put the people in Iran against each other to only cause chaos so you have excuses to the people of the USA and to the rest of the world for your excuse to go into their country and make changes by force. You now have this opportunity to prove to the world and a chance to pull out away from all of your evil plans that you have. You can take the millions of dollars that you have prepared and already in process and that you have sank in the last 20 years of creating chaos and creating traitors in Iran take your evil money and offer the oppressed ones you care for and that are in fact oppressed and the ones that you have turned against their own and offer them a visa to the USA so you can give them the "Freedom" that you claim they need and they do not have. This is an opportunity and the only opportunity the only solid opportunity that the USA will ever have in this life time to prove to the world that they are not evil and they are not after dominance. With this opportunity you will need to continue this same opportunity for every country in the world and you will have no rights to interfere with any other country ever again, because with this surety all these people that you are claiming oppressed will be right here under your thumb, but will they be free? Safe? And have peace and justice? You know the answer to that as well as I do, they will never have any of that here in the USA all that democracy that the USA claims is all lies an illusion all for the gain of the USA government all evil greed purposes. I know the reason for every single thing that you do and for the USA stands for and not one inch of it is for good or for any one. But with this opportunity that you have you can prove to the world what you really are and what you really seek. This opportunity you cannot refuse and the people of the USA should not refuse either because this is what you brain wash them with, the excuses you use to go to war are the reasons that the people of the USA know and support and that is, to help the other people and also with a evil greedy streak along with them as they are mostly brainwashed by the society of the USA and we all know that comes from the Government. I believe that the only people that fall for your lies are the ones that do not know the truth and with this opportunity gives the people that do not know what evil liars you are and will know and that is the idea of this, On the other hand if you come to change your ways and agree to this then the results of this would benefit every person in the entire world, To be with out the threat and arrogance of you, They will be allowed to live free from the real terrorist and you know very well that you and your followers are the real terrorists in the world. But by this act in putting all the cards on the table revealing yourself this will give the people in the world an understanding of you the real you the truth, it is time for you to start making some real offers to the people you claim you care about. You have nothing to loose in this if you are all true, would you? For the people that would accept it will be no where near the price you are paying to try to create the chaos in Iran and putting the people against each other and making traitors by your evil greedy ways. If you make this proposal even to just get the turn up numbers of the oppressed in Iran wouldn’t this make an overwhelming claim to support your actions? The nuclear issues are even in question with the people in the USA but their greed is so brainwashed that they do not even know right from wrong. If the numbers are so high then you would have reason and at the first time in history justification for your actions supported by true evidence one that you could offer for the first time in history. At the same time you will also knowledge that you may come up with such a low number that you will be revealed for what you really are and this is the offer that the Islamic Republic of Iran would then have all the rights and proof enough cause for you to never even look at their country again, To leave them in peace and let them live with God as they do not want to live by satin, George you will come to realize not many people want to live by your evil ways they don't like satin they do not want to go to the fire after. You as being a man in some what shape, form and mentality you must have some type of manhood in you to have one time in your life to be able to speak words and honor and stand by them just on the basis that you are a man, but I know satin has no good in him, but let us see how much of satin is in you. I think there is 99 percent but I maybe be wrong and there maybe 100 percent but if we have that spared one percent then there is a chance that you will take this offer and see the turn out and take the consequences like a real man, I know it maybe hard for you but I am sure you can handle it. Even a better suggestion in this matter if you go to a real man some as of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and ask for lessons on how to be a real man a real leader you may just have a chance to become a real man here on earth. I and the Islamic Republic of Iran wait for your response. Again in simple English, You are to choose a designated place to start a poll for the Iranians in Iran to go and sign a visa list for the oppressed for the ones that do not like the life of Iran under their leadership, under God. If the number is under half of the countries population then you have enough reason to stay out of Iran business and to never try to create chaos among the people there again, you also cannot ever question, accuse or harass that country or the people again. This should also start the first step for the rest of the countries in this world. If there are people that are oppressed and they want your help then they should confront you and ask you. You need to address the matters in a proper way and that is to take that oppressed person that you chose to help and take them under your thumb you cannot go into a country and force changes because you do not like the way they live, their are many different cultures and ways of living out there and I know you want them all to be the way of the USA but you, your ways, those ways are satins ways and that cannot be allowed this needs to come to a final stop. If you prove that you really care about people and you want to help them because you care about them you will need to prove that and proceed with that. But in your own country you have failed that and you have proved you care nothing of your own people what makes you think that you have any rights to go and offer things you cannot give? We both know that is only because of satin, through evil greed, you mislead the people into illusions false lies that is all the USA is about and it is time that you are made to be stopped. What good people there are left in the world they need to have opportunity to live in peace and to be able to make the right decisions to make real peace and stability out of this evil messy world that the USA has created and for them to have any chance to succeed you will need to stop spreading your evil greedy lies and stop misleading and brainwashing people. So now it is up to you George Bush will you prove to the people of the world that you are what you say you are? By allowing this Visa opportunity in Iran? Or will you refuse it and try to continue your dominance of the world through force invasions and killings? The world is waiting for your response George Bush. If you choose to go ahead with this opportunity of a visa list, you can contact President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad leadership through the formal channels; full details will be arraigned with all necessary authorities. And all the arraignments will start to be prepared. Sincerely, Alison Yvonne Shunstrom Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran by Allah on behalf of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
By Alison on 09/11/2006 at 1:04:51
In the footsteps of the devil
Dear Mike, I do not work for the Comfort Inn. I work for its competition. Your article might be perceived by some as giving a "leg-up" to the competition. I don't want to "get ahead" that way or be treated in the manner you treated the Comfort Inn and their staff; therefore, I feel compelled to write this response to address your hurtful journalism. On the 5th anniversary of 9-11 your article did nothing to "build up" your "hometown" or your "neighbors." It is disappointing that your editor did not help you think through the hurtful words you chose to describe a local Maine business, its employees and their clientelle. Desriptors such as "drab,shabby,chintzy and cheap", calling the front-desk atttendant "dowdy" and describing their guests as wearing "tacky clothing" attacks their business, their staff and their lively-hood. Mohammed Atta chose a hotel near the airport. He chose one from a number of hotels that could have fit the bill. I don't think it mattered all that much to him where he stayed. However, you deliberately chose your words. To many, your words seem to be a deliberate attack...of a hometown business, of your fellow Maine workers and of tourists who visit. Just to get a front page article? You had an opportunity to use your article to "promote" Maine and Mainers instead of tear them down. I am sorry that you did not choose that route. Words, especially publsihed words, have the power to hurt or the power to heal. On the anniversary of 9-11 I think that would have been appropriate. I hope in the future your will use that "power" for the GOOD of your community and its people. Sincerely, Kim Strondak Regional Vice President of Sales Paramount Hotel Group
By Kim Strondak on 09/11/2006 at 6:15:09
In the footsteps of the devil
Alison, You are posting on a very liberal web site. I take offense at you categorizing all americans into one group... Only half of the US voted for Bush. Also, we are not as naive as you think. We know that Bush is crazy, and is controlled by big oil companies. We know he went to Iraq because of oil, and that Bush hates Saddam and in Bush's own words "He tried to kill my Dad." Also, if they decided to stay in Maine because of its way of life, I find it ironic that they wouldnt take a 5 minute drive to a seafood restaurant or any non-chain/big corporation place for dinner. They went to PIZZA HUT! Not only is that one of the most generic, culturally suffocating restraunts in the US, they were eating PIZZA, you cannot get more American than that. You are preaching to the choir, and by the way... your President is just as psycho as Bush.
By AO on 09/14/2006 at 10:50:50
In the footsteps of the devil
AO, without being rude, Who do you think my president is? "My Leader is God". But unfortunately by technicalities Bush is my so called "president" Not because I "voted for him" I would never vote on some one as evil as him to run My Country and if there are no other choices then it would be better off without any one to run it at all, because his evil acts that he has done we would be better off without any one, we would have been better off, at this stage there is nothing that any one could do that Bush has already done to worsen anything and the President of a country speaks on behalf of the people, at least that is what the USA is about and therefor all the people are liable for all of his actions and are just as guilty because he is still in office, if there were so many opposers of Bush he would be ousted "A long time ago" You see this is where your ignorance lays, you right away expected me to be of another country because of the truth I have said, if you really feel the same way that you said you do then you would not have assumed I am from another country. If you feel so strong against Bush and you feel there are many others out there then you would not have thought twice to assume I was from another country. Maybe this will shed a little light on the subject, Maybe this will help your thoughts, Waiting again for a response from President George Bush; By President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: offer of a debate during the September 2006 UN Assembly in New York and by Alison Shunstrom: offer in full detail; Alison Shunstrom sent President George Bush a letter of an offer that claims is one he could not refuse. Sent by Federal Express on September.7, 2006 proof of confirmation of delivery by tracking number 8574 4583 2027 An offer George Bush cannot refuse An opportunity has come to the attention of the white house addressed to President George bush. As Bush and others try to continue their forced dominance around the world here before them lies the biggest opportunity they have ever had. As Bush claims Iran is filled with oppressed people and these people of Iran are so mentally and physically unhappy, tortured etc. now comes the time of truth. Bush has been offered to allow all of the people that feel they are oppressed to get a visa to leave Iran and go to the USA where they will have, "Freedom" As the USA has offered to pay out millions of dollars to get the people of Iran to turn against their government because the USA says they want to help the people then if that is true the USA wants to help the people and their claims that people are oppressed then the USA and the people of the USA will save millions of dollars by allowing visas for these same people that the USA claims are oppressed. But as the truth is Bush will never allow this because there is no oppressed people in Iran the only ones they will hear about are the traitors the same people that the USA has paid off to become traitors. If Bush refused this offer then that would only prove that he is after world dominance to take out Islam religion and to make change by force, first step is to create and atmosphere of diversion by chaos in putting the people against each other and to create an out look of Iran as un humanitarian living conditions mentally and physically caused by the Iran government. But with this opportunity brought forward to Bush how could he refuse to allow the visa's for these oppressed people if all Bush claims is the truth? He could not. But the truth is there are no oppressed people in Iran, the USA just wants to take control of the world and by taking out the last Islamic country that has not become traitors is the major step they need to succeed in order to make a great gain in having people at force by mislead lies and to be able to be in control of all the oil wealth in the world. This is an opportunity for the world to see and know of the lies that the USA says and the reason for their actions of their killings and invasions most are aware of thee truth but they all turn away because they are just as evil all for greed purposes. But this is the time to see that with this opportunity you will be able to reveal truth for the first time in history. You will see how in fact that the people of Iran are happy with their lives with their religion with their principals and culture, they like to follow God the do not like to follow Satin. You will see that the ones that will not ask for a visa are the ones that want to stay in their living conditions because their way is the right way their way is God’s way, they do not want to live a life in the fire by Satin. You will see the people of Iran will prove by not accepting the USA visa that the USA has invaded lands and killed billions of people in force to change them and to run the world to gain anything by killing and stealing. We also have the example from another country Venezuela the USA has been saying how oppressed the people in south America are but you do not see any Venezuelans running to the USA and leaving their culture and that is because they are happy and that is their rights they are their own country and the USA has no rights to make change any where. If the people in Iran are oppressed and Bush wants to help them and change culture and principals then he needs to invite those people and do it on his own lands the lands that he is in charge of. The USA in not in charge of any other country in the world only the USA and that is what the people of the USA need to understand. It is not any business how any country lives, if you feel you have rights to control other people and they want to be controlled by you, then you invite them on your land, and as we speak of your land we all know that the reason you have the land of USA is the same reason that you are invading other countries to steal the land as you did from the Indians, you call the Indians savages and you felt that you were superior then them because you did not like the way they lived you feel you are right and all are wrong so you killed them Indians for the ones that did not allow you to force them to change them and to force them to allow you to take their land. The USA is doing the same thing today. Most people in the USA are proud of their President Bush decisions they stand by him in his continuance invasions and killings they all are aware of why Bush is doing this and it is to keep the people in the USA greed’s fulfilled. I told many people in the last year that the USA will invade Iran next just to steal their oil and the typical American reactions were “so, let them we need the oil" That right there is proof that no matter what truth is revealed the people of the USA do not care they are so much with satin so greedy that they do not care about right and wrong. But this opportunity here lies for the few people that do care and that want to know the truth so they have opportunity to make right and that is what living is about and what makes a country run for the order of peace and justice. I have personally sent George Bush a letter with opportunity to prove to the world that he is not after dominance to take over countries and to steal and kill for control. We will see if Bush responds or again he remains the coward he is. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad gave Bush opportunity with a television debate to try to prove the very same information this opportunity will prove. If Bush again refuses then now all is up to the people that want truth, Peace, Love, freedom and justice to stand against the USA and to make change in any means that they are capable of. This also gives the ones that are with satin with the USA all the knowledge and reasons why God has allowed Holy world war for peace on earth, these people will not have to question why there is war on their front door. Attached is the letter sent to President George Bush. Letter sent to President George Bush through Federal Express dated on and received and signed. President George Bush, Hello, my name is Alison Yvonne Shunstrom, I am Native American, I am an Author and I have attached one of my books and some poetry for you. I have traces of Native Indian blood in my roots even as my Fathers Father was from Russia if you know history well you will know that thousands of years ago the Native Indians first came to the lands of the USA from Alaska and before they came from Alaska they were from Russia. I am no way a traitor to my country and please do not lead my words to any such lies. I am expressing that I am ashamed and embarrassed of my Country, the USA, as it has become a menace and with you creating most of this evil and chaos you are to blame and all that follow you. As a president you were and are able to make the right decisions for your Country but instead you chose to make all the wrong decisions and I am not speaking in any manner of my opinion only but more by facts and you know it as well as I do. I come forward to you as a representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran. We all have our responsibilities as individuals as you have yours by Satin and I have mine by God. As individuals trying to do our part there will be many different ways we need to accomplish them. My part comes to the peace for Iran by Gods wishes and demands for myself to be loyal to God and to do my part as a good person. It is that I must take matters into my own hands where others may have failed but as still teams with the ones that are beside God to work together as Mahmoud Ahmadinejad did not succeed to reveal you for what you are, He has not failed in any ways either. By you refusing his offers only proves you to be a coward and a liar, I must accompany him that is my duty in life that is the demands of God to create peace among us and this is where I come in to address you with an offer that you cannot refuse. If you think to refuse me as a no body you are refusing every one in the entire world and that would seem to make you the only some body and this is what we need to clarify that you and the people of the USA are the real losers here and after. I have the same authority as you and any one else in this world by God, and that makes you no better then I or any more authority then me. By your evil tactics and your evil brainwashing you have gained much more then me in the eyes of the real oppressors but to the only one that matters to achieve any goals of creating any peace and stability in the world is only through the eyes of God and I intend to do my part because God is the only one that I have to answer to. If you have a country that does not live by Gods rules then you have no real justice and you have no real freedom and no real peace and the USA does not live by God ways by any means therefore laws cannot come to justice and peace will not be stabilized and the people of God will not have any real rules to follow from that country because they are not by Gods rules and all aspects of life and law should only come from Gods wishes and demands but here in the USA they do not exist not one demand of God does an American live or think they by, they only live by satin. I am with full authority by God therefore with full accordance to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as he has been chosen and works only by and for God, I bring to you an opportunity for you to prove to the world that you are all of that which you say. Meaning that you are not trying to take over countries for your own purposes through evil greedy ways. You have rejected President Mahmouds Letter and Television debate, well Mr. George Bush this is an offer that you can not refuse. You say that you want the people in Iran to be free, free from what? Free from God? You want the people to be with satin as you are? You tell the people of Iran that you will help them with evil greed ways of life if they go against God, but you use different words as to miss lead the people into thinking that you are of God and you can offer them a better life, Face it Mr. Bush we both know that is not at all the true reasons. I propose to you that with your claims that you make against Iran that there are so many oppressed people that you feel you need to be the authority of a country that you have no rights of authority to put your money where your mouth is and with this you have offered millions of dollars to try to put the people in Iran against each other to only cause chaos so you have excuses to the people of the USA and to the rest of the world for your excuse to go into their country and make changes by force. You now have this opportunity to prove to the world and a chance to pull out away from all of your evil plans that you have. You can take the millions of dollars that you have prepared and already in process and that you have sank in the last 20 years of creating chaos and creating traitors in Iran take your evil money and offer the oppressed ones you care for and that are in fact oppressed and the ones that you have turned against their own and offer them a visa to the USA so you can give them the "Freedom" that you claim they need and they do not have. This is an opportunity and the only opportunity the only solid opportunity that the USA will ever have in this life time to prove to the world that they are not evil and they are not after dominance. With this opportunity you will need to continue this same opportunity for every country in the world and you will have no rights to interfere with any other country ever again, because with this surety all these people that you are claiming oppressed will be right here under your thumb, but will they be free? Safe? And have peace and justice? You know the answer to that as well as I do, they will never have any of that here in the USA all that democracy that the USA claims is all lies an illusion all for the gain of the USA government all evil greed purposes. I know the reason for every single thing that you do and for the USA stands for and not one inch of it is for good or for any one. But with this opportunity that you have you can prove to the world what you really are and what you really seek. This opportunity you cannot refuse and the people of the USA should not refuse either because this is what you brain wash them with, the excuses you use to go to war are the reasons that the people of the USA know and support and that is, to help the other people and also with a evil greedy streak along with them as they are mostly brainwashed by the society of the USA and we all know that comes from the Government. I believe that the only people that fall for your lies are the ones that do not know the truth and with this opportunity gives the people that do not know what evil liars you are and will know and that is the idea of this, On the other hand if you come to change your ways and agree to this then the results of this would benefit every person in the entire world, To be with out the threat and arrogance of you, They will be allowed to live free from the real terrorist and you know very well that you and your followers are the real terrorists in the world. But by this act in putting all the cards on the table revealing yourself this will give the people in the world an understanding of you the real you the truth, it is time for you to start making some real offers to the people you claim you care about. You have nothing to loose in this if you are all true, would you? For the people that would accept it will be no where near the price you are paying to try to create the chaos in Iran and putting the people against each other and making traitors by your evil greedy ways. If you make this proposal even to just get the turn up numbers of the oppressed in Iran wouldn’t this make an overwhelming claim to support your actions? The nuclear issues are even in question with the people in the USA but their greed is so brainwashed that they do not even know right from wrong. If the numbers are so high then you would have reason and at the first time in history justification for your actions supported by true evidence one that you could offer for the first time in history. At the same time you will also knowledge that you may come up with such a low number that you will be revealed for what you really are and this is the offer that the Islamic Republic of Iran would then have all the rights and proof enough cause for you to never even look at their country again, To leave them in peace and let them live with God as they do not want to live by satin, George you will come to realize not many people want to live by your evil ways they don't like satin they do not want to go to the fire after. You as being a man in some what shape, form and mentality you must have some type of manhood in you to have one time in your life to be able to speak words and honor and stand by them just on the basis that you are a man, but I know satin has no good in him, but let us see how much of satin is in you. I think there is 99 percent but I maybe be wrong and there maybe 100 percent but if we have that spared one percent then there is a chance that you will take this offer and see the turn out and take the consequences like a real man, I know it maybe hard for you but I am sure you can handle it. Even a better suggestion in this matter if you go to a real man some as of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and ask for lessons on how to be a real man a real leader you may just have a chance to become a real man here on earth. I and the Islamic Republic of Iran wait for your response. Again in simple English, You are to choose a designated place to start a poll for the Iranians in Iran to go and sign a visa list for the oppressed for the ones that do not like the life of Iran under their leadership, under God. If the number is under half of the countries population then you have enough reason to stay out of Iran business and to never try to create chaos among the people there again, you also cannot ever question, accuse or harass that country or the people again. This should also start the first step for the rest of the countries in this world. If there are people that are oppressed and they want your help then they should confront you and ask you. You need to address the matters in a proper way and that is to take that oppressed person that you chose to help and take them under your thumb you cannot go into a country and force changes because you do not like the way they live, their are many different cultures and ways of living out there and I know you want them all to be the way of the USA but you, your ways, those ways are satins ways and that cannot be allowed this needs to come to a final stop. If you prove that you really care about people and you want to help them because you care about them you will need to prove that and proceed with that. But in your own country you have failed that and you have proved you care nothing of your own people what makes you think that you have any rights to go and offer things you cannot give? We both know that is only because of satin, through evil greed, you mislead the people into illusions false lies that is all the USA is about and it is time that you are made to be stopped. What good people there are left in the world they need to have opportunity to live in peace and to be able to make the right decisions to make real peace and stability out of this evil messy world that the USA has created and for them to have any chance to succeed you will need to stop spreading your evil greedy lies and stop misleading and brainwashing people. So now it is up to you George Bush will you prove to the people of the world that you are what you say you are? By allowing this Visa opportunity in Iran? Or will you refuse it and try to continue your dominance of the world through force invasions and killings? The world is waiting for your response George Bush. If you choose to go ahead with this opportunity of a visa list, you can contact President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad leadership through the formal channels; full details will be arraigned with all necessary authorities. And all the arraignments will start to be prepared. Sincerely, Alison Yvonne Shunstrom Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran by Allah on behalf of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
By Alison on 09/15/2006 at 9:56:59
In the footsteps of the devil
Alison--are you in the US and if so why? I saw Mike in the parking lot of Comfort Inn and wondered if he was doing a story on 9/11 I wish he could have done it a little more professionally Walmart,Pizza Hut or Comfort Inn most likely will not be employing people with PHD'S.They can only earn enough to just get by.However he only mentions the help at Comfort Inn and it's appearance.It doesn't even seem pertinent to the story.Nobody goes there expecting a 5 star hotel and sure sometimes you'll find a frumpish clerk but the place has to be clean or they wouldn't be open.And by the way Mike you're no raving beauty yourself! It wasn't in the best taste to give what you thought might be Atta's thoughts He did what many Americans do--shop at discount store,eat pizza and stay at a modest hotel Instead of attacking the surroundings why didn't you focus on his plan and reasoning Oh of course,that's because it would take a REAL journalist to do that WW
By ww on 09/16/2006 at 2:45:23
In the footsteps of the devil
Mr Miliard, What was I suppose to get out of your story? After reading it ,what stood out in my mind was 1 Shopping in the South Portland Walmart would be too creepy for me now 2 Don't let your fingers THAT ATM 3 Avoid THAT pizza hut.You might unknowingly sit at the same table that Atta did 4 when recomending a hotel be sure to alert people about THAT Comfort Inn because it is a dump and the desk clerk is less than desirable That's the message I got.Was that your intent? All those who feel the same raise your hands I rest my case! In my training I was taught to build the structure of the story around what,when,where and why I give you a D-8dc5
By ww on 09/17/2006 at 9:55:51
In the footsteps of the devil
WW you ask me if I am in the USA? I am sure that you have read what I posted here and you will know that I am a native American this is my land, who are you to question if I am here and why I am here? Just because my country has an evil leader does not mean that I have do not have rights to speak the truth and it does not mean that I do not belong here any more just because I do not like evil and greed does it? If I choose to stay here in the USA it would be only because there may be hope that this evil will soon come to a final stop. If I am able or any one else is able to create peace here in the USA for the sake of peace for the world I am trying and who ever else try's and succeeds that is our responsibilities and rights.
By Alison on 09/18/2006 at 12:04:04
In the footsteps of the devil
Alison, I actually thought you were Alison Yvonne Shunstrom Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Sorry for the confusion. By the way, you have WAY too much time on your hands.
By AO on 09/19/2006 at 5:08:12
In the footsteps of the devil
AO I am and I do, where is youur confusion at?
By Alison on 09/21/2006 at 10:19:16

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