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Palin Abused Power

You know, when you stop and think about it, one of the things you should probably avoid when selecting a vice-presidential running mate is someone who is the subject of an ongoing official ethics investigation.

I mean, when you put it like that, it does seem kind of obvious, right?

The bipartisan Legislative Council has released its report, finding that "Governor Sarah Palin abused her power by violating Alaska Statute 39.52.110(a) of the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act." (I recommend the Anchorage Daily News for coverage.)

The campaign campaign has cleverly blunted the likely impact of this news, by screwing up so many things so stupidly in recent weeks -- giving so many voters so many reasons to vote against the Republican ticket -- that the VP violating ethics laws barely stands out.

But seriously, he picked a VP who was the subject of an ongoing official ethics investigation. Who does that?

  • KYJurisDoctor said:

    It is so SHAMEFUL for Sarah Palin, and so disappointing for REAL Conservatives like me, but then again, this is NOT the first time she has been disappointing, nor do I suspect it will be the last.

    October 10, 2008 10:03 PM
  • Carly Carioli said:

    I'm surprised more people aren't examining Todd Palin's last-second mea culpa here. It has long been apparent to anyone monitoring the testimony that Sarah Palin was very likely guilty of serious ethics violations, and the McCain campaign has been signalling for a couple of days that they knew the report was going to be bad for them. Reading between the lines here, the report could have been MUCH worse if the First Dude had not taken a bullet for his wife (the key remark in his testimony being that HE had hassled so many people for so long that Sarah - <cough> yeah right <cough> - told him to shut up about it). Point being: this is bad for Palin, but I'm still amazed at how agile the Republicans are at slipping out of chokeholds. This could have been/should have been a fatal blow -- and they've now survived maybe four or five scandals that would have killed most political campaigns outright. Gah!

    October 11, 2008 9:51 AM
  • LorenzoJennifer said:

    Sifting the snow, one finds that Sarah Palin  launched her personal vendetta against her ex-brother-in-law state trooper in 2005, when she was a private citizen and not in public office. The trooper and Palin's sister were in a child custody dispute and the trooper allegedly issued a death threat against Palin's father. Palin, using her husband and others as surrogates, continued her intention to have the state trooper canned after she was sworn in as governor. Personal vendetta becoming political action. She fired the state Public Safety Commissioner in July 2008 and, on August 1, the state legislature launched an investigation the findings of which are now coming forward.  McCain did not name Palin his VP choice until late August 2008, plenty of time having passed for his candidate research guys to be fully aware of a high profile ethics investigation.  The firing of the Public Safety guy and the investigation were well-reported in the Alaska public press. Translation: no excuse for McCain not knowing at the time of appointment.

    McCain may well think he's a law unto himself, making judgements and decisions that satisfy his agenda with no due regard for the facts and their probable consequences, such as your V.P. nominee having her ethics officially criticized.

    Hubby Todd, in an interesting role reversal, took the hit for his wife. The fill-in became the fall-guy.

    As for sister Sarah, small town is one thing.  Small minded is quite another.

    October 11, 2008 2:21 PM

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