David Tennant's Dr. Who departure + TV of the Future!
David Tennant inspired tears when he abandoned his post as Doctor Who's 10th Doctor this past weekend. Teresa Jusino pens him a sad and spoiler-ific goodbye over at Tor.com. Despite Who's positive reincarnation themes, it's still depressing to see the doctors die -- even though all of Tennant's fans (both fictional and real) knew the end had arrived. If you're not in the mood to weep and wail but you still want to talk shop about the doc, Alasdair Wilkins speculates about the show's remaining unanswered questions in another spoiler-y piece over at io9.
I won't talk about the death of Dollhouse again -- that's too much sadness for one post. Instead, I will point you to io9's schedule of fun sci-fi happenings in January, including releases of TV shows, movies, comics, and Boston's upcoming sci-fi/fantasy convention, Arisia. There's so much new geekery out there. Why dwell on the character deaths and cancellations?
While we're on the topic of this new decade's developments, this week is the Consumer Electronics Show -- which means we get to find out what toys we'll be coveting this year. It's 2010, so I expect no less than hoverboards and holographic wristwatches -- but 3-D TV is a good start.