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Sigur Ros | Inni

XL (2011)
By RYAN REED  |  November 8, 2011
2.5 2.5 Stars


The first time I ever listened to Sigur Rós — I mean, really listened to Sigur Rós — I was on the toilet, strapped into my headphones, picking apart the liner notes to their landmark Agaetis Byrjun like I'd discovered a holy relic. I cried — on the toilet. The first (and only) time I saw Sigur Rós live (in Cincinnati, back during the Takk... tour), I wept like a small child watching The Land Before Time. The first time (and, thus far, only) time I listened to Inni, Sigur Rós' brand new live album, I thought to myself, "Well . . . this is . . . nice." The Icelandic quartet's last album, Með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust, came out three years ago, and besides one new instrumental tacked on at the end, the songs here are nothing we haven't already heard (and obsessed over) for years now. Only the nuttiest of fans will find any new details (the more-present backing vocals on Agaetis Byrjun stunner "Svefn-g-englar," or the beefed-up church organ swirl in "Ny Batteri"), even if the band's live majesty is captured in full-force. "Vid spilum endalaust" and "Inni mer syngur vitleysingur," blowing past at what seems like double-speed, feel slightly rushed — like a band sick of cranking out the "hits."
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  Topics: CD Reviews , Music, Sigur Ros, Sigur Ros,  More more >
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