Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Posted at
Michael Brodeur

So I was listening to a little ditty from Cambridge’s BLACK FORTRESS OF OPIUM called “From A Woman To a Man” last night, and half the time I felt like the bald giant was going to appear in front of me looking real serious and say, “It is happening again,” and the other half I felt like I was an ‘80s jeans commercial where, I don’t know, some girl breaks up with me and all I have left are my jeans. This mix of broody, boozy, moody weirdness with front-and-center hi-hello guitar choppage extends through all of their songs -- and it’s an often captivating blend. Those guitars come courtesy of one Tony Savarino, who, according to heap of undealt-with Facebook requests, suggests I become a fan of Tony Savarino. I appreciate this kind of confidence. If the cloudy, eerie mid-40s forecast for tonight holds true, their show tonight at Church (goth points!) could be the perfect distraction from this non-committal spring. They’re joined by the spirited, guitarless ALEC K REDFEARN AND THE SEIZURES, who, if MySpace is to be trusted, “grow more disgusted and disappointed by the day”; and the HOLEY MOLEYS the much-loved team-up of Cave-In’s STEPHEN BRODSKY and unstoppable songforce AUDREY RYAN.
BLACK FORTRESS OF OPIUM + ALEC K REDFEARN AND THE SEIZURES + HOLEY MOLEYS | Church, 69 Kilmarnock St., Boston | Tuesday, May 12 @ 9 pm | $8 | 21+ | www.churchofboston.com