
A sentient penis and brotherly angst

It Came from Below the Belt is a book by Bradley Sands that falls into the fiction genre known as bizarro. It features a human-swallowing giraffe, time travel, and a penis with presidential hopes. Earlier this month, Bradley read at the Coolidge Corner Theatre as an opener to one of their midnight movie screenings. Ian Sands, editorial assistant here at the Phoenix, is Bradley’s little brother. He wrote about what it’s like to have your older bro come to town to give a reading. The essay begins here; you should read the whole thing.


My brother wrote a book. It's a good book, especially considering it’s his first. But that’s not to say that it’s for everyone, most of all my mother, my father, my uncle, my grandmother, my aunt, and anyone else related to me. I won't go into great detail as to why it’s not for everyone, except to say the plot involves one Grover Goldstein who’s swallowed by a giraffe and finds himself in the future where he helps his severed, sentient penis capture the presidential election.


Click here to read “Insects in my stomach: What it’s like to watch your older brother give a reading”


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