Listen to Dave Eggers + Valentino Achak Deng
On Monday night at Memorial Hall in Cambridge, writer, editor, and publisher Dave Eggers was joined by Samantha Power, author of the Pulitzer Prize-winning A Problem from Hell: America and the Age of Genocide, and Valentino Achak Deng, a Sudanese "Lost Boy," and the subject of Eggers's fictional biography, What Is the What. Power moderated as Eggers and Achak Deng discussed the process of fictionalizing a true story, blurring the lines between fiction and non-, and inciting political action by rousing public interest. We recorded the event, and you can listen to it here.
Also, new in this week's Phoenix, I did a piece on doctor and Harvard Divinity School student Chris Adrian's new novel, The Children's Hospital. You can read that here.