Not all publishers heart Oprah!
Publisher Nan A. Talese publicly blasted Oprah over the James Frey controversy this Saturday, at the Mayborn Literary Nonfiction Writers Conference of the Southwest:
"I'm afraid I'm unapologetic of the whole thing," she said. "And the only person who should be apologetic is Oprah Winfrey," who she says exhibited "fiercely bad manners — you don't stone someone in public, which is just what she did."
Calling Winfrey's behavior "mean and self-serving," Talese said that readers should be able to decide for themselves about whether to believe an author, and that Frey was clear about how believable he was.
"When someone starts out and says, 'I have been an alcoholic. I have lied, I have cheated' … you do not think this is going to be the New Testament."
"Fiercely bad manners" is polite publisher code for raving, career-destroying harpy bitch, in case you were wondering. Have fun trying to get another title in Oprah's Book Club, Nanners! You're so done. And you fucking rule.