PathologyTotal cheese for the CW set  April 23,
2008 4:56:06 PM
Marc Schoelermann’s film is a kind of Crime and Punishment for the CW set, with Heroes heartthrob Milo Ventimiglia playing Ted, a medical resident who joins up with the cool kids at school to see who can commit the perfect murder. They take turns killing strangers, then hang around getting high trying to figure out the cause of death. It’s every bit as stupid as it sounds. Ted is remarkably cool with the killing, leaving a void where the moral center of the film should be. That role falls to Alyssa Milano (!) as his fiancée, and she’s not up to the task. Schoelermann has fun with his cadavers, earning an R rating for his liberal use of rib spreaders, but gore fans aren’t likely to be satisfied with mutilated corpses, and everyone else will be bored senseless. Pathology is totally ludicrous, and too self-serious to be any fun. 93 minutes | Boston Common + suburbs

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