Related: Just A Band,
Ben Lashes,
Berkman Center for Internet and Society,
Blake Boston,
Charlie Schmidt,
Chris Torres,
Danah Boyd,
Ethan Zuckerman,
Gingers Do Have Souls,
internet memes,
Julian Assange,
Keyboard Cat,
Makmende Amerudi,
Nyan Cat,
Scumbag Steve,
Scumbag Steve Overture,
Boston Phoenix
Serious ROFLcon is serious
Published 5/4/2012 by BOSTON PHOENIX STAFF
The revolution will not be televised — but it will be turned into an animated .gif
Boston Phoenix
The Big Hurt: Dodging the IRL horseshit at the World’s Lulziest convention
Published 5/4/2012 by DAVID THORPE
ROFLCon: A Skeptic’s Guide