Ask Werner
This is kind of short notice, but if you respond by 12:45 p.m. Eastern Time today you can participate in what First Look Studios describes as the "first press day exclusively conducted within social media platforms with the acclaimed director, Werner Herzog, on behalf of his September 14
DVD release of MY SON, MY SON, WHAT HAVE YE DONE? Herzog will
respond in real-time to questions tweeted to the First Look Studios' twitter
account, @1stlookstudios, with his responses posted on the First Look Studios'
Youtube channel,
Though Herzog himself is not a member of Twitter, his persona is quite popular
on the social network as seen through the popular trending topic
#WernerHerzogvsChuckNorris, where users weigh in on who is tougher, Werner
Herzog or action star Chuck Norris."
The latter would be my first question. Also you might want to quiz him on his upcoming excursion into 3-D, a documentary on the prehistoric cave art in Chauvet in France due to premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival next month.