
See this film: A Serbian Film at the Coolidge

Reputedly even more disgusting than Centipede, Srdjan Spasojevic's notorious A Serbian Film has tested the stomachs of even the most hardcore splatter-porn fans around the world. In other words, don't miss it. (For more insight into ASF and its extreme-horror bretheren, see Simon Paul Augustine's essay in this week's Phoenix.) Milos, a one-time porn star, is invited to make his comeback in a new production. It's more than he, or just about anyone with a low tolerance for graphically gruesome (be forewarned, there's baby rape), post-modernist, black-comic sadomasochism, bargained for. Check out our story in this week's paper and then, if you think you can stomach it, head to the Coolidge Corner Theatre, 290 Harvard St, Brookline | Fri-Sat at midnight | $9 | 617.734.2500 |

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