Curbing your enthusiasm

Fair Game
As we near the midterm election and you feel
an enthusiasm gap growing might I recommend seeing "Inside Job," or at least
looking at this cogent interview with the director Charles Ferguson conducted
by the Phoenix's Chris Faraone.
I would also recommend seeing "Fair Game,"
Doug Limon's infuriating dramatization of the Valerie Plame affair, starring
Naomi Watts and Sean Penn. Or rather I would if you had a chance to see it, because
one of the infuriating things about the film is that it's not going to be in
the theaters until Nov. 5, or three days after the election takes place and the
cadre of thugs led by Karl Rove that are so damningly depicted in the movie
will yet again have had their way with the American people.
Which kind of makes me wonder what the deal
is with Sean Penn, reputed lefty firebrand though he may be. Back in 2008 his
"Milk" didn't come out until
after the election, nullifying any influence it might have had on the vote on California's
Proposition 8
banning gay marriages, which subsequently passed (though it has since be rescinded
by the court). It looks to me like he's dropped the ball again.