
Wired For Niki?

About two weeks ago I was chatting with someone who is, let's just say, privvy to the inner circle of departing congressman Marty Meehan. When I asked how the race for Meehan's seat might shape up, this person said something to the effect of: "Well, I think it's pretty much been wired for Niki, don't you?"

Well, I didn't know that, but gosh it's starting to look like it now, huh? Baddour and Tucker stay out, Mrs. Congressman joins Niki Tsongas's campaign, DiPaolo drops out.

It would be a shame if it turns out that way, not because I have anything against Tsongas, but because we should have a good competitive race among some very interesting and qualified candidates. And I don't think it will turn out that way -- I don't believe that Tsongas can put the race in the bag, whether party insiders want to or not. Eileen Donaghue -- who is officially announcing her candidacy today -- has already raised a bunch of money, and I'm told by her campaign that she's got plenty of sources for more, and also that she's got some solid endorsements coming. Barry Feingold doesn't look like he's having trouble raising money, and I think the others, particularly Eldridge, are going to find pockets of support.

Tsongas might win in the end, but I think she'll have to work to earn it. At least, I hope so.

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