Things NOT Overheard At The Mass Dems Convention
--Sure, O'Reilly is good on the issues, but can he match Kerry's record on constituent services?
--Spread the word: I'm hoping to get a job with Michael Flaherty's campaign.--Who else here thinks the teachers' union is the problem?
--I think this will be just a minor blip in Marzilli's political career.
--I've gotta say, Torkildsen really is going to make us work, with that powerhouse slate of candidates he's recruited.
--Mmmm-mm! I am stuffed!
--So I said to Bobby DeLeo: Just take the earmarks for my district out, the principle means more to me than the funding.
--Really? There are gay delegates here? I'm surprised.
--To me, the most important consideration is: Who has the better chance of beating Jeff Beatty?