Menino Wants Bike Sharing
Three weeks ago I wrote that bike sharing could become city councilor John Connolly's first idea to get wified -- ie, stolen by the mayor. Sure enough, today Menino held a public press event at which, according to a press release:
[Menino] announced that the City has released a request for information (RFI) for bike
sharing, where one can rent a bike and tour the City using multiple pick up and
drop off locations.
I wasn't there, but I am told that Connolly was not at the Mayoral press event. (If I recall correctly, Rob Consalvo got to at least stand in the background when Tommy announced his ShotSpotter idea.)
Update: To be fair, the bike-share plan was already under development by Menino's people when Connolly independently proposed it; both sides indicate that neither stole it from the other -- just great minds thinking alike, so to speak.