Who's Anti-Pi?
The US House of Representatives just passed a resolution declaring March 14 "Pi Day." Math nerds will understand why it's on that particular date.
Ten Republicans voted against the resolution. What do they have against pi? Why don't they want it to have its own day? Are they partial to some other ratio, that has not received an honorary day? Is pi somehow partisan in nature?
Perhaps they are taking sides in the Great Debate: apparently real math nerds shun March 14, in favor of "Pi Approximation Day" on July 22. You see, pi = 22/7, which is how July 22 is written in countries where they put the month first.
Somehow I doubt that these Republicans are that nerdy -- and I really doubt that they come down on the side that relies on something used in Europe and not the US.
Speaking of foreigners, I suppose it's possible that this is some sort of anti-Greek vote.
The ten anti-pi congressmen include some of the most conservative and/or libertarian members of the GOP: Jason Chaffetz of Utah, Jeff Flake of Arizona, Jeff Miller of Florida, Randy Neugebauer of Texas, Ron Paul of Texas, Mike Pence of Indiana, and Ted Poe of Texas. Dean Heller of Nevada and Bill Shuster of Pennsylvania are generally pretty conservative as well, but neither has shown any tendency to vote against these kinds of resolutions. The tenth, Tim Johnson of Illinois, however, is a moderate.
I am determined to get to the bottom of this. More later, you can be sure.