Connolly On Video... And In Disguise?
John Connolly has put out a campaign-launch video. In it he says he's all about One Boston -- preferably one with good schools, safe streets, and lots of eco-friendliness. He stands in a classroom, so we know he's serious about the schools; maybe in the next video he'll drive a former gangbanger to school, in a hybrid vehicle.
Whatever. I've got bigger fish to fry.
See, I found out that there is a Tehran City Council. (Ten members, all elected city-wide, four-year terms -- exactly how we should do it here, in my opinion.) And it has a web site, which I can't understand because it's in Persian.
But I do know that a phony mustache can't disguise the obvious. (It's the "pretending to be interested in your testimony" look that gives him away!)