
New In The Phoenix -- Curse Of The Big Dig

In this week's issue of the Boston Phoenix -- in print tomorrow, online now -- I consider how the Big Dig, aka Original Sin of Massachusetts Politics, is once again at issue in this year's state elections.

Not only do we have Democrats pounding Republican gubernatorial candidate Charlie Baker for his alleged complicity in the project's financial shenanigans, but we have two former member of the Turnpike Authority running for statewide office.

By the way, I can only think of one person whose path intersected with the Big Dig and who went on to win an election for higher office: Paul Cellucci, who was lieutenant governor and later (as acting governor) won the 1998 governor's race. Can anyone think of another example? Governors (Dukakis, Weld, Romney) have tried and failed, as have LGs, Treasurers, AGs, and others. I suppose you could count John Kerry, but he stepped up from LG before the funding cleared congress.

Here's the article:

The Curse of the Big Dig: The mere mention of the Central Artery Project can derail one's hopes for higher office. Charlie Baker is finding that out now.

Also in the issue, a two-part Phoenix editorial -- the Boston cab/credit-card controversy, and Patrick working on health care costs.

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