
New In The Phoenix -- Murph's Last Grasp?

In this week's issue of the Boston Phoenix -- in print tomorrow, online now -- I write a two-part column on Boston politics.

In the first item, I ask whether Boston City Councilor Steve Murphy's campaign for state Treasurer is his last shot at higher office. Murph's quest for other jobs is a running joke -- and occasional campaign issue -- at City Hall. I wonder whether, if this quest fails, he will be able to rally his troops for any more electoral battles.

In the second item, I ponder the remarkably quiet political campaigns in Boston this year. Despite all the talk of anti-incumbent fever, and Scott Brown-inspired candidates, and last year's highly competitive city elections, few Boston pols up for re-election this year have serious challengers (if any at all). That includes the DA, Sheriff, Governor's Councilor, and almost all of the state senators and representatives.

Give it a read, here:

Murph's Last Grasp?  Can Stephen Murphy rally his troops one last time, or is this stab at higher office his last?

Also, you might want to check out the new Phoenix editorial, on the passage of health care reform.

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