
Morning With The Massachusetts Delegation

DENVER -- The Massachusetts delegation had it pretty good at the last Democratic National Convention, which took place in Boston and crowned a Bostonian nominee. They're not quite the belles of the ball this time.

They're staying, along with the Maryland delegation, at a Renaissance Hotel a good 15-20 minutes from the Pepsi Center. (And BTW I'm pretty sure this is a NON-UNION hotel.) Their location in the hall is not horrible -- I'm told it's in front of the press riser -- but it's not front-and-center like last time.

The hotel is also playing host to the Stonewall Democrats' convention, so a number of the delegates popped in to see Governor Deval Patrick give a speech at noon today. (Introducer Steve Driscoll recognized state reps Fox, Allen, Forry, and Harkin from the podium, leaving out poor Jamie Eldridge who was also there.)

Patrick spoke for only six minutes, but was very much on his game. "This is your party, and this is your country," he told the GLBT gathering. "And don't let anybody push you to the margins."

Patrick went on to ask the GLBT community "to remember that there are others too, in whose struggle you have a stake... who have been pushed to the margins," including racial minorities, the disabled, and the poor. "There is an awful lot of unfinished business in the fairness agenda" Patrick said.

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