
Marty Walsh Eying Sec'y Of State

Hot, fresh scoop for you: Dorchester state representative Marty Walsh tells me that he is "very seriously considering a run" for Secretary of the Commonwealth, if Bill Galvin decides to run for Attorney General. (Which in turn assumes that Martha Coakley becomes US Senator.)

Walsh has been in the House since 1997. He was considered a potential candidate for Congress if Steve Lynch had run, and won, for Senate. (And back in 2007, I ranked him #14 likely next mayor of Boston.)

Walsh says that he views the Secretary's office as an overlooked but important position, specifically citing a desire to enforce the new ethics laws, and to ensure a successful US Census count.

He expects Galvin to make a decision about his intentions soon after the January 19 Senate election (if Coakley wins), and if Galvin is not running for re-election, Walsh will make a final decision quickly at that point.

As far as I know, nobody else has announced plans to run for that office. One rumored possibility, Worcester County sheriff Guy Glodis, announced today that he still intends to run for Auditor, and will not run for Secretary.

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