
Q&A #9 -- Brown Effect In Boston

"Mike D." asks:

Have you been able to analyze Tuesday’s election returns for Boston? If so, is there anything worth noting (e.g., potential vulnerable candidates heading into this fall's elections)?

 I have only taken a limited look at the breakdown to this point, so this is a limited analysis, but I don't see a lot of evidence that there are areas with a surprisingly large Brown vote coupled with a potentially vulnerable incumbent state legislator.

One who might be in trouble, for multiple reasons, is Brian Wallace in South Boston -- his flip on gay marriage hurt him with the traditional Catholics, and his tacit support for Michael Flaherty hurt him with Tom Menino, and through the mayor some of the labor unions. I guess you could say that Tuesday's vote indicates that the district hasn't changed enough (ie, into the new, young, progressive Southie) to make up for all that.

Anyway, the rumor is that Wallace might not run for re-election, so we'll see what happens.

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