By Derek Kouyoumjian. Click here for more photos from the Brattle's Oscars party.
When you're broadcasting a universally smug, circle-pat-on-the-back session like the Academy Awards to the entire world, someone is bound to say something funny about it. And that's exactly what happened last night in the Phoenix's Oscars Live Chat
Welcome back, humans, for another episode of THE WEEK IN GEEK! You may have thought this so-called "President's Day" would stop us, but oh no. Would a giant laser-shooting robot pause world destruction to observe any kind of human holiday? Get real. MONDAY, 2.21.11Science on Screen: DEATH IN VENICE with psychologist/author Dr.
The Week in Geek 02.14 - 02.18: [Valentine's Day week if you haven't been outside in like 1500 years]Hark ye geeks, and discover Laser Orgy's newest feature: The Week In Geek, a regular listing of geeky-awesome events in Boston. So next time you're overfull of Cheetos and bored of launching rockets at Nazi zombies, you can check this blog right here and find out what kind of dorky events are going on in the Boston area, whether it be sci-fi cons, steampunk museum exhibits, something to do with video games or lectures on Singularity.
THE SONY NGP Is this a Magic Eye image? If I cross my eyes and back away, will I see a pussy?
I realize this controversy happened a week and a half ago, but it still makes me want to punch a wall until my hand falls off, so here we go.
Mr. Jaffe, you may recall saying the following statement about the new Sony NGP:
DEAD SPACE 2 C'mon, Isaac, no need to beat yourself up.
Since playing the campaign for Call of Duty: Black Ops, and more recently since playing Dead Space 2, I've been thinking about how video games deal with the trope of the unreliable narrator.
Despite the Call of Duty reputation for forgettable, cookie-cutter campaigns, Black Ops surprised me.
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