[phlipcam video] Slim Cessna's Auto Club @ Great Scott
Nothing quite like rolling into your local sometime after midnight, expecting the live show to have finished up and looking to find a quiet, late night bar scene... only to get bitch-slapped in the dome with five fingers of rock n' roll awesomeness. Last night I barged into Great Scott looking for a pickleback or six, and what I got was the neverending live ruckus that is a Slim Cessna's Auto Club show. People were going batshit, the back area smelled like sweat (and not the usual Allston kind, mind you) and I'm pretty sure this lively performance ran waaaaaaaay later than it should have. Denver's finest Alternative Tentacles alt-country gothabilly gang threw it down something hard.
I caught what I could on the trusted ol' phlipcam between ill-advised rounds of whiskey (I think it starts mid-song, I don't even know), and this video is dedicated to my new friend on the side of the stage who threw his arms around me and drunkenly shouted lyrics into my ear like we had known each other since grade school. Shit, maybe we have. It was that kind of party, late-night style.