It Was Just Brought To My Attention That A Young Boston MC Named Moufy Sold Out The Middle East Upstairs Last Night

It's been brought to my attention that a young Boston MC named Moufy - who, let me make this clear, I've never heard of before - sold out the Middle East Upstairs last night.
So first of all, major props to Moufy and his whole Star Gang team. The MEU is more than a respectable-size venue, and, as any longtime Boston hip-hop head will tell you, it's rare that local acts draw that kind of crowd this soon into their career.
Which brings us to the inevitable question: Who the fuck is Moufy? Well, according to his Facebook page, he's an artist whose "vast experiences growing up in Roxbury and going to private high schools have shaped him into who he is now."
Sounds good to me. That's always kind of been my tagline, but Moufy seems like he can fit the bill (plus we have the same birthday). From what I've heard so far, he definitely fucks with both sides of the tracks - one song even finds him lamenting for a white secret cutter chick from Newton.
It won't be long before rap cats of all stripes start to hate on Moufy. That's what happens when you climb to the middle around here, and when you claim to "possess the most downloaded mixtape ever by an usigned [sic] artist from the city of Boston."
And of course, Moufy will suffer the wrath of black and white anti-frat rap forces, which will predictably band together to call bullshit on his Roxbury-meets-Abercrombie steeze, Sam Adams-like poses, and critical backing from the putz parade at Barstool Sports.
But despite all that, I'm pulling for Moufy. The more sold out hip-hop shows around here, the better. In the least, he's the first so-called frat rapper who I can tell apart from the bunch. That's got to count for something.